People are constantly saying to me, ' One of the chief difficulties of your diet is the good bread you recommend. The cooks say they have no time to make it, many members of the family won't eat it, the bakers won't change their methods, and the mill is either far off or the flour is all ground by the new method of china rollers, which is especially designed to make the flour very white.' My answer is that all these drawbacks are easily overcome by a little trouble and conciliation. When the cook finds that the bread-making is less trouble than cake-making (see Receipts), and that her mistress cares more about it than about made dishes, she soon falls in with her ideas. Millers I have found most obliging, and even interested in the matter. Our own old water-mills here at Cobham, by the Mole side, have been lately bought by Henry Moore & Son, of Leatherhead, and on being written to they would send to any part of the kingdom the various flours I use, and also the fresh bran (see receipt for Bran Tea), which is not easy to get in London. I asked them for a specimen of English wheat ground through stones, and received a most civil answer, in which they say they also send a gallon of wholemeal with the bran taken out, adding : 'We hardly agree with this ourselves, as we think it much better with the bran left in.' This is not the first instance I have had that millers themselves appreciate the value of bran in wheat meal. Unfortunately, many modern digestions cannot stand whole meal with the bran left in, and for these it is better that they should have the bran sifted out either by the miller or at home, in which case they can get the phosphates of the bran by using it for bran tea.

I have heard of another mill at Dorking, kept by Mr. Atlee, where the wheat is ground in the same way with the old-fashioned stones.

My letter from Mr. Moore concludes: 'If we can do anything in the way of experimenting for you, we shall be very pleased to do so.' Thus proving that millers who have to grind to please the bakers, whose flour cannot be too white, are equally ready to please private customers when they have the chance.

For those living in London it may be a convenience to know that at the Haymarket Stores they can get the finest wheat meal, ground by the well-known Great Barton Mills of Mr. Scott, of Ipswich; also at Bax & Sons, 35 Bishopsgate Street Without, B.C. When the bread-making at home is an insuperable difficulty, a good deal can be done by a little love-making to the baker. He is, naturally, anxious to please his customers, and will soon make wholesomer bread if he finds the public really demands it. People who have once had pure wheaten bread from a baker will often get him to send it to them wherever they go. The poor in their own way are very particular about bread, often getting it from a more distant village, in the belief that the whiter and punier it is, the better it is.