Cauliflowers In Mayonnaise

Select some large cold boiled cauliflowers and break them into small branches, adding a little salt, pepper and vinegar to properly season; then heap them on a dish so that they will form a point. Surround the dish with a garnish of cooked carrots, turnips and green vegetables, pour some white mayonnaise sauce over all, and serve.

Mashed Cauliflowers

After boiling two cauliflowers cut the heads up into small branches. Put one teaspoonful of chopped onion into a saucepan with a small piece of butter and place the pan on a slow fire for about fifteen minutes; then throw in the cauliflowers and beat well with a wooden spoon; put in ten or a dozen tablespoonfuls of good white broth and one tablespoonful of flour and boil for fifteen or twenty minutes longer, adding one teaspoonful of sugar and one-half teaspoonful of salt. Pass the mixture through a sieve into another stewpan, add about a gill of cream or milk, and serve. If it is too thick add more milk.

Stewed Cauliflower

Divide into branches or sprigs two or three cauliflowers and put these into hot water for three minutes to scald; then drain, put them into a saucepan, cover over with stock, sprinkle over a little grated nutmeg and boil them until they are done. Take them out, drain, put them into a sautepan with a small quantity of butter and some finely-chopped parsley and toss the pan for a few minutes over a brisk fire. Turn them onto a dish, and serve while very hot.

Cauliflower With Cream Sauce

In the usual way cauliflower takes from thirty to forty-five minutes to cook, and it should not be allowed to boil rapidly or it will destroy the small flowerets. Test the stems with a fork, and remove as soon as tender. Put a piece of bicarbonate of soda the size of a bean into the water, and this will hasten the cooking without injuring the cauliflower. Divide the cauliflower into portions of convenient size before cooking, and when drained and dished up pour one or two tablespoonfuls of strained cream-sauce over each portion

Cauliflowers With Parmesan Cheese

Take a cauliflower and break it into tufts, wash these thoroughly and put them into salted boiling water, but do not allow them to cook too soft. When cooked put each piece into warmed butter first and then strain them into grated Parmesan cheese, seasoned with dry mustard, pepper and salt. Place the pieces neatly together on a dish, pour over a little warmed butter, and bake in a hot oven for five minutes. When done, serve immediately.