Choose a nice piece of fillet of veal, any part can be used; put a good sized lump of butter in a saucepan to melt; put in the veal and brown it on both sides. Pour clear broth or water over the veal, place the cover on, and steam over a clear fire, basting occasionally with its own liquor. Peel and slice a carrot and onion, and put them into a saucepan with a small quantity each of lemon peel, mace and thyme; pour in one-half pint of water and boil for twenty minutes. Strain the seasoned water over the veal, and continue cooking it. When the meat is tender, drain, place it on a hot dish and garnish with slices of lemon and crisped slices of bacon. Skim the fat off the cooking liquor, strain it through a fine hair sieve, and serve with the meat in a sauce tureen.

Roasted Fillets Of Veal With Fine Herbs

Lard the fillets with thin strips of bacon, place them in a deep dish with some finely-chopped mushrooms, shallots, chives, parsley, fennel, laurel leaves and thyme; sprinkle a small quantity of salt, pepper and grated nutmeg over them, cover them with olive oil and let soak for three hours. Drain the oil from the fillets, cover them with the mixed herbs, wrap them in thickly-buttered sheets of paper, fastening them securely to keep the herbs in, and roast them in a good hot oven. When cooked take the paper off the fillets and scrape off the herbs. Put them in a saucepan with some gravy, a little lemon-juice and a lump of butter and boil it. Beat the yolk of an egg with a small piece of warmed butter, rub the fillets in this and then in grated breadcrumbs, giving them a good coating and brown them in a quick oven. When cooked, place the fillets on a folded napkin on a hot dish garnished with fried parsley, and serve them with sauce in a sauceboat.

Fillet Of Veal With Brain Fritters

Cut off a fillet from a leg of veal and rub it well over with the juice of a large mushroom, extracted by breaking it up and sprinkling salt over. If a little grated orange-peel and cayenne are added it will be improved. Dip the fillet in flour, brush over with egg, plunge it into boiling fat and fry it, or wrap it in oiled paper and grill it over a clear fire. Cut a calf's brain into equal-sized pieces, blanch and stew in stock for about fifteen minutes. Prepare a rather thick batter with the yolk of an egg, two ounces of flour, one-half tablespoonful of olive oil and warm butter; when ready, beat in the white of an egg whipped to a froth. Drain the pieces of brain, dip them into the batter, plunge into boiling fat, fry and drain them. Place the fillet on a dish, arrange the brain fritters and some fried slices of potato round, also sprigs of fried parsley, and serve with thick brown sauce in a sauceboat.