Glycyrrhiza glabra, is only admitted into the garden for its pharmaceutical properties.

Soil And Situation

It thrives best in a rich light soil, two or three feet deep, which should be trenched completely to the bottom before planting. When manure is added, it should be regularly mixed throughout the texture of the soil. In shallow or poor ground it will not succeed: the situation cannot be too open.

Time And Mode Of Planting

It is propagated by cuttings of the side-roots, which spring from the crown of the plants, and run horizontally just beneath the surface, which may be planted in January, February, or early in March. Each set should be about two inches beneath the surface. The only cultivation they require is to be frequently hoed, to keep them clear of weeds throughout their growth; and in autumn the decayed stalks to be cut down, and the earth stirred between the rows.

The roots are not fit for use until of three or four years' growth. The season for taking them up is December, January, or February. A trench must be dug regularly along each row, quite down to the extremity of the principal roots, which descend two feet and more.