In the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, issued September 1st, Dr. Asa Gray has the following:

"Sedum Meehani. Glaucescens, 2-3-pollicare, radicibus fibrosis perennans, foliosum; foliis teretibus (subsemipollicaribus, floralibus minori-bus); ramis calycibus ovariisque tenuiter glandu-loso-hirtellis; floribus omnibus 5-meris; petalis albis (lin. 2 longis) lanceolato-ovatis tenuiter acuminatis calycis lobis ovatis plus duplo longi-oribus. - Utah, on City Creek, north of Salt Lake City, at the base of the mountains, collected by John Reading, the live plant communicated by Professor Thomas Meehan. It is so desirable to connect in this way the name of Mr. Meehan with the botany of the country which he has done so much to illustrate, that the actual collector will probably join us in wishing it to be commemorated by this pretty little species of Sedum. It will not make much show among Meehan's 'Flowers and Ferns of the United States, Illustrated,' of which four goodly volumes have already appeared under his editorship; but it is to be hoped that it will find a place in the fifth volume".

We may note in addition to this account by Dr. Gray, that besides the beautiful glaucous color which will make it a very desirable plant for vases, rock work, and other places where a dry and open spot has to be covered, it has the unusual advantage of continuing a long time in flower. The first flowers were open on the 11th of June, and at the time of this writing, September 7th, there are still some flowers out.

As no doubt the pretty species will be demanded by cultivators, and the dried specimens to botanists, we have suggested to Mr. Reading that he make another journey to the locality for plants, and supply them to applicants, mail free, for 50 cents each, and next summer make some dried specimens for botanists at 25 cents each. If he get enough applications it will probably cover his time and expenses. Mr. Reading is an enterprising florist and nurseryman of Salt Lake City, and put up the first greenhouse ever built in Utah.