We have from time to time called attention to the value of thought and careful observation in the management of furnaces. Not long since we saw a case where a gardener thought his hot water pipes had " entirely too much to do," though the one who had control before found he could keep all the heat he needed in spite of high winds and thermometer below zero. We saw at once where the difference was. The first man had his coal under cover, and always a lot near the furnace where it was half warmed before it went into the furnace. The new man took his coal at once from a pile where the temperature was below zero. And then, while the former put his coal on a little and often, the other put a pile on deadening the fire for an hour or two, and of course with a corresponding sluggish circulation for all that time. There are some who do not stop to consider what they call such little things, but it is just on such little things as these that the greatest of successes depend.