I noticed in February number of the Monthly some interesting queries and notes on nut trees, and I wish to add one more in regard to the English walnut, and more especially the Praepar-turiens. I have two trees of the English walnut. The seed was planted where they now stand about the year 1864. The larger one measures forty-two inches in circumference three feet from the ground and is a very handsome tree. They have been bearing about four or five years, and last year bore a market basket full.

Would the J. prasparturiens be as hardy, and would it be likely to bear well here? I see in January number, 1882, a California correspondent speaks very highly of it, and as likely to supersede the English walnut there, and I have seen it spoken of as hardy and reliable elsewhere. Your correspondent, "S. A. W.," asks about the Filbert. I know of some trees very near me that seldom fail to bear plentifully. They are quite old trees.

I have three noble trees of the Spanish chestnut on my lawn. The largest one measures in circumference seven feet eight inches. They bear regularly and plentifully, but are badly infested with worms - some seasons very few of the nuts being fit to eat. I found beneath one of the trees a peculiar-looking curculio, having a very long snout, and this I take to be the chestnut weevil. I intend, however, getting the species identified. This is the great drawback in their culture here - with me, at least. Moorestown, N. J.

[No doubt the early-bearing walnut (Praepar-turiens) is as hardy as the parent species. - Ed].