Spanish Moss

This well-known product of the Southern forest is used to stuff mattresses, and is an extensive article of commerce in this trade. The pulp used to be taken off by rotting. Now a process is in use by which it is ready for market in twenty-four hours. It is then jet black, resembling horse hair. Botanically it belongs to the pineapple family, and is Tillandsia usneoides.

Origin Of The Name Goober For The Pea Nut

Dr. C. W. Greene says: " Monteiro, in his work on ' Angola,' tells us that the natives of that part of Africa give to the common pea nut the names 'ginguba' and 'mpinda.' The similarity of these names to the American names of the same plant ('goober ' and ' pindar,' otherwise ' pindal' or 'pienda') is very obvious. Which forms are original, the African or the American ? A correct answer might help us in determining the native habitat of the plant".

Orchids : A Review Of Their Structure And History

By Lewis Castle. London : Published by Journal of Horticulture office.

This is a small paper-covered book of 56 pages, by the author of " Cactaceous Plants," recently noted in our columns. It brings together a great mass of matter connected with the history of these curious plants that cannot fail to interest any person who knows what an orchid is.

The "American Garden" Prizes

The American Garden very liberally offered $100 in premiums for new fruits, flowers and vegetables, at the exhibition at Clinton Hall, New York, June 18th and 19th. We received a note with a request " to give it publicity," on the 13th of June only. We note this here, because it is a matter of frequent complaint that we fail to notice what " we might just as well do," and which we would cheerfully do, if sent in time.

American Society Of Florists

The first annual meeting of the American Society of Nurserymen and Florists, will be held in Cincinnati, on the 12th to 14th of August. We did not receive notice in time for a more detailed notice of what appears to be a very interesting programme.

A Dahlia Stem Borer

A correspondent of Vt'cks' Monthly says that he has found a stem borer very destructive to the Dahlia. We have not heard of this enemy before. It may account for the sudden withering of Dahlia plants of which we have heard some complaints.

Early And Late Flowering Single Roses

If one wants to get all the good out of Roses that they are capable of affording, and has room, there is nothing will fill the measure equal to a collection of single Roses. The Red Kamts-chatka or Rosa rugosa, is the earliest we have seen. This comes in May. All through June some one or another is in blossom, and in July the single Prairie Rose concludes the list. And in autumn there is the red fruit of various forms, to give a whole season with the flowers of changeful beauty.