The Berberis is a genus of shrubs of which many varieties have handsome shiny compound leaves while the leaves of others are small, round, oval or holly-like.

Berberis Aquifolium, one of the favorite varieties, is a native of California and Oregon. It delights in a shady hillside, making a very good undergrowth.

Berberis Darwinii is a beautiful Winter-blooming plant. It forms a dense bush, and, when covered with its bright orange-colored flowers, makes a striking effect.

Berberis nepalensis also has yellow flowers and compound leaves with from six to ten pairs of leaflets of a rich holly-green; it bears large clusters of purple berries during the Winter months. It should be planted in a shady spot protected from drying winds.

Berberis Japonica is another of the Nepaul type with compound leaves and purple fruit. Other desirable kinds are Berberis stenophylla, Berberis buxifolia and Berberis loxensis.

Propagate by seeds sown about one-eighth of an inch deep as soon as ripe, or by layers, suckers or cuttings put in sandy soil the end of September or early in October.