Oh Bacchus! thy Grapes now in bunches hang down; Some press them too freely their "sorrows to drown ;" Let " Temperance in all things" be ever our guide - No evil can flow from the generous tide!

Prepare the ground for planting all kinds of hard) fruit trees this month, by digging, trenching, and manuring, 8.

Gather such varieties of Apples and Pears as are in full growth, both of autumn-eating and winter-keeping kinds; do it on dry days; let the keeping sorts lay in heaps, to discharge their redundant moisture; after which convey them to a room adapted for preserving them through the winter; lay each kind separate, and cover them up with dry straw, a foot or more in thickness, according to the warmness of the room, which will preserve them in good order.

Prune Currant and Gooseberry bushes; make new plantations, and plant cuttings from these shrubs, prepared as directed in pages 59 and 70.

Plant the stones of Cherry, Peach

Plum, etc, in drills about two inches deep, for the purpose of raising stocks and for new varieties; and in temperate climates, kernels of Apple, Pear, Quince, etc, may be sewn in drills about an inch deep for the same purpose. Plant, also, cuttings of hardy trees, suckers of Filberts, etc, 38 and 62.

Strawberry beds which were planted last month should be kept free from weeds, and if dry weather prevails, they should be occasionally watered, 136.

Plantings of hardy trees may be commenced toward the end of this month, or soon after the leaves show indications of decay, whether fallen or not, 10.

Toward the end of this month, or early in the next, all the tender shrubs and vines must be protected, by laying them down and covering them with earth, or by entwining straw or matting around them, 63, 80 and 135.

In gathering grapes for the dessert be careful not to bruise them or disturb the vine; to avoid which cut off each bunch with a pair of small scissors.