Brunionian Theory

There is a theory called the Brunionian theory advocated first by a man named John Brown, M. D., who argued that all medicines acted on the human organization as stimuli or stimulants. But his theory never gained any note in the estimation of the medical world.

The twin sister to this theory is called the contra-stimulus theory, which was first believed in by Rosoria and Borda, and subsequently by other oriental doctors, but it never gained much note. The theory is too thin in its logic and reason.

The Chrono-Thermal Theory

Is simply a theory containing a few facts and many imaginative theories that are futile and worthless. I claim that there can be much knowledge gleaned, of importance and benefit to man in his practice, from this theory. Man can learn an important lesson from the ant and the bee; -- the lesson of industry and providing for a rainy day. So can a thinking man learn from all that is around him.

Hydropathy or Water Cure

This, so far as it goes, is a very excellent remedy. It is a complete antidote for dirtiness, when properly applied. I pronounce it a complete specific, in combination with good soap, for filthy, dirty hands, faces, and bodies. The effect, so far as it goes, results in cleanliness, which the Bible tells us is the next thing to Godliness. Man can live longer without food than he can without water. Every one knows that this fact is established beyond question or doubt by actual experiment. Water is one of the finest remedies we have in the treatment of all diseases, most especially diseases of a febrile character; but common sense teaches us that it is not a cure-all and the only remedy and the best one for the cure of disease, free from the aid of other remedies.

Never deny a sick person water when they crave it; never deny them food. Use common sense and give them what they crave.

Electicism -- The Free Thinker of Medicine

The right to choose the best from all of the one idea theories of medicine; liberty uncircumscribed by the teachings of fanatics; freedom to judge for yourself that which is best of all; that you can learn of the many ideas of medical men of the world. Love for all, hatred toward none; freedom of thought; the right to counsel with all, ungoverned by a mean disgraceful code of ethics. Liberty to exercise good common sense, and use that which is best calculated to do good in the case in which it is indicated. This is the true definition of Electicism. They are the most prosperous class of doctors on the face of the world, because they believe in personal liberty as well as general liberty, and that which is right, and hate smart fanatics.