In children the temperature is normally one to two degrees higher than in adults.

The temperature is normally one degree higher under the tongue than in the axilla. It is highest upon awakening in the morning; lowest at midnight.

A rise of one degree in temperature usually marks an increase of the pulse from six to ten beats a minute.

Continued temperature above 98.50° indicates prostration and illness; 101o to 105o, severe fever; 105o to 108°, danger; 108o to 109o, impending death.

A temperature of 105o or 106o on the first day of illness is prima facie evidence of ephemeral fever; it is not typhoid or typhus, but probably malarious.

Though the typical evidences of pneumonia are present, if the thermometer fails to reach 101.70o it may be concluded no soft infiltration of lungs is present.

High temperature after the eruption of measles has faded, indicates complications. An evening typhoid temperature of 103.5o indicates a mild course of fever. 105o in the evening or 104o in the morning, in the third week, indicates danger. A temperature of 104o and upwards, in ' pneumonia, indicates a severe attack. A temperature of 104° is always alarming in acute rheumatism; look for cardiac complications. In jaundice a rise of temperature is unfavorable. A rise of temperature in a puerperal female indicates the approach of pelvic iuflam-mation. An increase of temperature in tuberculosis shows an advance of the disease, or rise of complications.

Daily fluctuations of temperature are associated with malarial fever, typhus, typhoid, exanthemata, rheumatism, pyaemia, pneumonia, and acute tuberculosis. An even temperature from morning until evening is favorable. A high temperature from evening until morning is unfavorable. A falling temperature from even -ing until morning is favorable. A rising temperature from evening until morning is dangerous. The temperature of the body must be normal before convalescence begins.

N. B. - Mercurial thermometers increase in readings with age. During the first year of their manufacture this amounts to as much as one degree, and sometimes more. This is why manufacturers advertse their wares as "seasoned," which, however, if true, does not altogether do away with the error.

Thermometers whose readings vary more than 0.25o at the same temperature are in every way unreliable. - Organic Materia Medica.