§ 209. Inflammation of the lymphatic glands and vessels.

This condition occurs very frequently among children, and involves the adjoining cellular tissue. Such inflammations frequently recur periodically, excited by the least cause, and continue until the age of pubescence, or even a more advanced age, in case nothing is done to eradicate the constitutional disposition. This disease is likewise a symptom of a more general affection, and disappears under the use of proper remedies administered for the latter.

An inflammation of the superficial lymphatic glands and vessels is easily seen. The inflamed vessels form shining-red radiating strings or cords, which frequently extend to some larger or conglomerate gland, sometimes involving smaller glands, which likewise become inflamed and swollen, thereby giving the vessel a knotty appearance. The affected parts feel hot, occasion a tensive, exceedingly stinging pain, the tension being even perceptible externally; the pains are aggravated by motion, generally exacerbate simultaneously with the fever, which is most frequently erethic. and accompanied with gastric symptoms.

§ 210. One of the principal remedies for inflammation of lymphatic vessels and glands is Belladonna, which is likewise indicated when the lymphatic inflammation is accompanied with erysipelatous inflammation of the adjoining parts. Belladonna is likewise frequently suitable for the so-called cold swellings of the lymphatic vessels, with little or no inflammation, such as is frequently seen on the lips and external genital organs, accompanied with tension, fluctuation, and violent periodically-appearing pains. An inflammatory condition very similar to the one above described, with swelling of the face, of one cheek, and of the upper lip, containing hard places, which are painful to the least touch, do not bear the least covering, with throbbing pain, and attended with confusion of the head, is likewise safely and permanently removed by Belladonna. If the pain in such a swelling should be burning, Carbo veg. is preferable to Belladonna; in some few cases Arsenic.

Next to Belladonna, Mercurius is one of the best remedies for lymphatic inflammations, even when it has become impossible to prevent suppuration; though Silicea will always hold the first rank as a specific for suppurating lymphatic swellings.

Cocculus is suitable for sub-inflammatory lymphatic swellings, when contact excites stinging, tearing pains and heat in those swellings.

Bryonia should be exhibited when violent pains are excited in the affected part by motion.

Puls., Dulc, and Conium have more specific relations to the lymphatic system than Bryonia, and are, therefore, more suitable than this latter remedy, for inflammatory conditions of the lymphatic vessels and glands. Conium is known as a specific for inflammation of the mammae, occasioned by contusion or a shock. Rhus t., Sulph., Hep. s., Antim. cr., Dig., Spong., Cicula, are sometimes suitable for lymphatic inflammations attended with gastric derangement.