(From lino, to anoint). Lint-ment, hypaleipton,litus, perichrisis, is a thin ointment, and principally designed for an application where the tenderness of a part will not admit of a hard one. Sometimes the term is applied to an application almost fluid; but when it approaches this state the appropriate application is a wash. The minute precision of the ancient pharmaceutists is now, however, often disregarded.

Linimentum album. See Spermaceti.

Linimentum Arcae'i. See Elemi.

Linimentum bituminis ammoniatum. Linimentum 4721 Petrolei

Buibadensis Linimentum 4722 i. ss. aquae ammoniae purae ss. m. This is a strong stimulant, applied in diseases of the hip.

Linimentum camphorae compositum. Linimentum 4724 .. Cam-phorae 3 ij. olei olivae i. aq. ammon. purae iij. m. in oleo prius solvatur camphora, deinde adjiciatur aqua ammoniae purae; an application of use in deep seated inflammations, and to hasten suppuration.

Linimentum camphorae ammoniatum. Linimentum 4727 Spiritus camphorat. ij. aquae ammoniae purae 3 ij. m. used in chronical enlargements of the joints, and other affections, which require the use of external stimulants.

Linimentum cerussae cum sapone. See Plumbum.

Linimentum oleosum. See Ambusta.

Linimentum saponaceum, linimentum saponis, formerly called opodeldoc, and saponaceous balsam, and chiefly employed for external purposes in rheumatic pains, sprains, and bruises. The London college directs the following very liquid form, because the soap acts more advantageously when diluted.-take of the spirit of rosemary, lb i.; hard Spanish soap, three ounces; camphor, one ounce; digest the soap in spirit of rosemary until it is dissolved, and add to it the camphor. Ph. Lond. 1788. See Opodeldoc.