Where there are several bedrooms, it is not unusual to furnish each one in a color of its own. One room, for instance, may be furnished in blue and white. The walls may be hung with satin striped paper, the draperies made of inexpensive materials, worked with ruffles and such designs as the occupant may desire, or which may please the designer. Another room may be furnished in red and another in green, and so on. The proper arrangement of the draperies of the windows adds much to the effectiveness of the decorations. The bedroom should not be overcrowded with furniture, and each article should have a place where it can always be found.

Bedroom Furnishings

The bedroom at the left is a suggestion for a room furnished in blue and white. The walls may be hung with satin striped paper The diaperies may be easily made and artistically arranged The room at the right looks out upon a balcony The bed stead may bo of brass, the furniture of bird's eye maple, bedspread and bureau cover may be trimmed with lace The floors may be covered with rugs, and walls tinted.