Halved Joint And Rabbeted Joint. Fig. 137.


2 pieces, 6" X 1 1/2" X 7/8".

Panelwork is sometimes built by this form of construction, the panels being put in and fastened from the back with brads, as shown at A. Glass doors are often made with a rabbet in the back, the joints being held in place by a bead, as shown at B, or by putty, though the rabbet is to be preferred.

Fig. 137.   Halved and Rabbeted Joint.

Fig. 137. - Halved and Rabbeted Joint.

Rabbeting by hand: At C is shown the method of rabbeting by-hand. Note that, as the piece is shown, it is lying face side down, as the rabbet is to be upon the back side.

1. Gauge from the face the distance, b; in this case, 7/16" .

2. Gauge from the edge to obtain the other dimension of the rabbet, c; in this case, \".

3. Place the fence piece, d, directly upon the piece to be rabbeted and hold the fence piece with small brads. Its purpose is to guide the rabbet plane (A, Fig. 138) in making the first cuts. The plane should be stopped directly at the gauge mark, b.

This joint is simply an elaboration of the halved joint, the same methods of cutting and fitting being used as in Topic 61.

A plane known as a " filletster " (B, Fig. 138) is constructed upon the same general principle as the rabbet plane, but it has, in addition, an adjustable depth and width gauge, which are a great convenience upon this kind of work, as their use makes the fence, d, and the gauge marks, b and c, superfluous.

Do not fasten this joint together with glue.

Fig. 138.   A, Rabbet Plane. B, Filletster.

Fig. 138. - A, Rabbet Plane. B, Filletster.