Why? Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 19 Essentials, Sections 11, 12, 13. Demonstration—

The essential points in ripping and crosscut-sawing at the bench, explaining the reasons for the two kinds of saws. Work Continue the work of Group III.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group III.)

Lesson 19.

Recitation Name two kinds of saws and five parts to each. Meaning of the number on the blade at the heel? Set? Why, and how? Amount for dry and wet lumber? Rake or pitch? What is meant and upon what does the amount depend ?

Sawing? Holding saw, index finger? Angle of cutting edge? Starting stroke? Position of thumb of left hand? Kind of strokes and pressure?

Guiding the saw? How? Caution? Sawing in vise, how get angle ?

How and why oil sides of saw?

Crosscut-saw? Cutting edges of teeth where and why? Pitch?

Rip-saw? Shape of teeth? Why?

How tell a rip-saw from a crosscut-saw? Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 20 Essentials, Sections 40, 45, 64. Demonstration The essential points in laying out ring-toss and marble-board, boring to depth, countersinking, making or cutting dowel to length and shaping top end, sandpapering with block, use eraser for pencil work. Put waste sandpaper in the box for future use in wood-finishing, grade 8. Never sand without permission. Glueing and fitting dowel. Work Continue ring-toss and game-board.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group III.)

Lesson 20.

Recitation Countersink-bit? Its use?

Boring to depth? Fully. Where many holes of the same depth are to be bored?

Sandpapering? When and when not?

Purpose of sandpaper block? How place the paper on it?

When are arrises sanded and why?

Curved surface sanding?

Numbers on the back of a sheet of sandpaper?

Sanding joints? Why not?

What is to be done with worn sandpaper? Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 21 Essentials, Sections 3, 9, 10. Demonstration The essential points in cutting out stock.

Work Continue Group III.

Beginning at this point, pupils are to cut out their own stock from boards S-2-S.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group IV.)

Lesson 21.

Recitation Framing-square? Two parts named? Its uses? What tables on blade and tongue? Name five parts to the dividers. Three uses for dividers?

Explain fully how you would set dividers? To a radius of 2". How are the points sharpened and why lean the top forward in marking? Where are pencil lines better than knife lines? Why? How are they best removed? Laying out rough stock if the edge of the board is fairly straight?

If not straight, how? Preparation for Demonstration ; Assignment for Lesson 22 Essentials, Sections 6, 15, 59, 60. Demonstration The essential points in laying out and working sleeve-board and bread-board. Stock is S-2-S. Caution about smoothing broad surfaces only, not leveling, thickness being more important here than true plane surface. Work Complete any unfinished work, then begin Group IV.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group IV.)

Lesson 22.

Recitation Pencil-gage? How made? When and where used? Illustrate another way of pencil-gaging. Turning-saw? Its use? Name three parts. Why two handles? Caution about setting them? Illustrate manner of holding the saw. Caution about holding the blade with reference to the surface of the wood.

How cut enclosed curves with this saw?

Why not saw accurately to the line? How remove the waste?

Spokeshave? Five parts?

For what and how used? Kind of shavings?

How adjusted?

Explain how to lay out for a curved edge? How to work it?

Sandpapering curved edges? Assignment for Lesson 23 Essentials, Sections 16, 17, 24. (Informational). Demonstration The essential points in laying out and working the scouring board and coat-hanger. Work Continue Group IV.

GRADE VII. Lesson 23. (Woodworking Group IV.)


Compass-saw? Especial use? Caution?

Saw-filing? Four steps? Reasons for each? The parts of the saw-set ?

The old wooden planes? Why have they been displaced?

How are they adjusted? How are the wedges withdrawn in jack-plane and smooth-plane? Assignment for Lesson 24. (Informational) Essential, Sections, 4, 7, 8. Demonstration—

None. Work Continue Group IV.

GRADE VII. Lesson 24 (Woodworking Group V.)

Recitation Bevel? Name the three parts.

To what angles can it be set?

How set to 45 degrees? Three ways.

How set to 30 and 60 degrees?

Slitting-gage? Mortise-gage?

Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 25 Essentials, Sections 62, 65, 66. Demonstration Explain the manner of working duplicate parts. Gaging like widths, Marking off like lengths, Testing different parts in relation to one another. Work Begin Group V after completing Group IV.

GRADE VII. (Woodworking Group V

Lesson 25.

Recitation How proceed where there are two or more like parts?

The aim in handling the different tools in duplicate work?


Hammers? Two kinds? Advantages and disadvantages? Three parts ?

How hold the hammer? Illustrate.

Nails? How made originally? Forged and cut?

How are wire nails made?

Two classes, three kinds of nails? Differences?

History and meaning of 10-penny, etc?

How else are nails sold? Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 26 Essentials, Sections 67, 68, 69. Demonstration Nailing position, and withdrawing nails; setting nails. Work Group V.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group V.) .

Lesson 26.

Recitation What caution is necessary in starting cut nails ?

Explain position in nailing and give reasons?

Why not set nails with the hammer in cabinet work? How use the nailset? Illustrate the position. Withdrawing nails?

Preparation for Demonstration ; Assignment for Lesson 27—

Essentials, Sections 41, 70, 71, 72. Demonstration Explain boring for screws, countersinking, use of screwdriver-bit. Work Group V.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group V.)

Lesson 27.

Recitation Screwdriver-bit? Its advantage over screwdriver? How is it kept from jumping out of groove in screw head? What about the old style screwdriver? Screws ? How made and sold ? Size is designated how?

The difference between gage for wire for screws and nails? Two kinds of screws? Blued screws are how colored? How are the parts prepared for fastening in hard wood? In soft wood? Assignment for Lesson 28 Essentials, Review Chapter I. Demonstration Order of procedure in assembling the various boxes. Placing the bottom and truing the frame. Work Group V.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group V.)

Lesson 28.

Recitation Instructor will place six questions on the blackboard, selected from Chapter I Essentials of Woodworking. Pupils answer five in writing. Assignment for Lesson 29 Essentials, Review Chapter II. Demonstration None. Work—

Group V.

GRADE VII. (Woodworking Group V.)

Lesson 29.

Recitation Instructor will place six questions on the board, selected from Chapter II, Essentials of Woodworking. Pupils will answer five in writing. Assignment for Lesson 30 Essentials, Review Chapter III. Demonstration—

None. Work Group V.

GRADE VII. (Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 30.

Recitation Instructor will place six questions on the board, selected from Chapter III, Essentials of Woodworking. Pupils will answer five in writing. Assignment for Lesson 3 - —

Essentials, Section 152. Demonstration The essential points in laying out and working woodwork for the design problem of Group VI. Work Complete Group V, then begin VI.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 31.

Recitation Name three kinds of stain. Advantages and disadvantages of water stain? Advantages and disadvantages of oil stain? Advantages and disadvantages of spirit stain? How apply water stain ? How thin it ? How apply oil stain ? How thin it ? How apply spirit stain? How thin it? Fumed oak?

Preparation for Demonstration; Assignment for Lesson 32 Essentials, Section 153. Demonstration 1. Applying design. 2. Outlining. 3. Applying color. . 4 Waxing. Work Continue Group VI.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 32.

Recitation Is waxing an old or a new finish ? How made formerly ?

Advantages and disadvantages of a wax finish ?

Caution about applying a rapid hardening wax?

Five steps in producing a wax finish ? Assignment for Lesson 33 —

Essentials, Review Chapter IV. (Those parts that have been previously studied.) Demonstration None. Work Group VI.

Grade VII

(Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 33.

Recitation Instructor will give oral test from Chapter IV, Essentials of Woodworking. Assignment for Lesson 34 Essentials, Review Chapter V. (Parts that have been previously studied.) Demonstration None. Work Group VI.

GRADE VII. (Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 34.

Recitation Instructor will give oral test from Chapter V, Essentials of Woodworking. Assignment for Lesson 35 Essentials, Review Chapters VI, VII. (Parts that have been previously studied.) Demonstration None. Work Group VI.

GRADE VII. (Woodworking Group VI.)

Lesson 35.

Review Instructor will give oral test from Chapters VI, VII (parts only that have been previously studied in regular work), Essentials of Woodworking. Assignment for Lesson 36 This closes the text work for the year. Demonstration None. Work Those finishing projects will assist slower pupils or do necessary work about the shop. All pupils are to be kept busy at some work until the last day they come. The last day each class will polish tools.

Lessons 36 and 37. For finishing up woodwork. Boys helping one another. Cleaning bench tops. Lesson 38. For cleaning tools. Each class assigned certain tools to clean. Final class applies vaseline.