Fill blanks, choosing between words in parentheses:

1. -----you sick yesterday? (was, were)

2. Either a robin or a bluebird-----building a nest in that tree, (is, are)

3. There-----two mistakes in your recitation, (was, were)

4. Each of you girls------right, (is, are)

5. The dog and the boy------running a race, (was, were)

6. Where------you when I called? (was, were)

7. She ------ complain about her work, (don't, doesn't)

8. It------seem right to go. (don't, doesn't)

9. ------you like history? (don't, doesn't)

10. ------she write well? (don't, doesn't)

11. She - - her parents credit, (did, done)

12. Have you------your composition? (wrote, written)

13. She has------more work than I. (did, done)

14. She said she------her best, (did, done)

15. I have------that before, (saw, seen)

16. I------it last Tuesday, (saw, seen)

17. She said she------robins yesterday, (saw, seen)

18. Where have you------the prettiest wild flowers?

(saw, seen)

19. I believe I------a kinglet yesterday, (saw, seen)

20. That man------hear the bell, (don't, doesn't)

21. -----the children frightened? (was, were)

22. She has ------ to me about the matter, (spoke, spoken)

23. She is-----as tall as her brother, (most, almost)

24. Each of the children------trying to help, (is, are)

25. The horse was put ------ the pasture last night.

(in, into)

26. He ran about ------the pasture all the morning.

(in, into)

27. The cat has----- by the fire all day. (lain, laid)

28. She is------quietly, (lying, layitig)

29. The hen has been ---- a week, (sitting, setting)

30. The river has------a foot, (raised, risen) ^

31. Wages have------this fall, (raised, risen)

32. The------was expected, (raise, rise)

33. Is it------? (she, her)

34. ------do you expect? (who, whom)

35. Mary and------will come. (I, me)

36. Give it to Anna and------. (I, me)

37. I expect John and------. (she, her)

38. He is the-----that I referred to. (person, party)

39. Here is a gift for you and------. (she, her)

40. I thought it was------. (she, her)

41. Do it------I do. (as, like)

42. I feel------I ought to go. (like, that)

43. I------that she came while I was gone, (expect, think)

44. ------ how far I have walked since I saw you.

(guess, think)

45. I------I remember her. (guess, think)