Mr. Ralph Phillips,

Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:

We enclose copy of letter from our attorney concerning the Graham, Arizona, courthouse bonds, which will explain itself. Will you kindly inform me
25 whether the government has approved of the legislative action of the Assembly of

Arizona, of 1883, concerning these bonds, and much oblige

Yours respectfully, (50)

Banking and Financial 3 162

Messrs. Brown & Cliff,

Boston, Mass. Gentlemen:

I have discounted and renewed for you the following paper:







Racine Knitting Co___
















. 40.6775


You will notice that the note for $1,500 runs only 114 days; this is on account
100 of not placing the paper the day I dated it. You will also notice I paid interest on two renewals which I deducted from the
125 proceeds of the $1,500, leaving you a balance, before the note was paid, of $1,362.75,
150 which, deducted from the $2,000 note paid by me, leaves a balance, in my favor, of $G
175 which you will kindly send me.

I am disappointed in not hearing from my people in regard to the renewal of $2,500
200 due on the 21st, so I will ask you to send me the amount necessary to take it up or else attend to the

Banking and Financial 3 163

225 of the same yourselves. You will remember that it will be necessary to have Chicago exchange to do this - or send me a check, which
250 I can place to my account and have certified.

The note due on the 23d I will take care of, but as yet I am
275 not in a position to take care of the one due on the 25th. I notify you only that you may be able to send
300 me the funds in case I do not hear from you by that time. On account of the first of April's being a sort of
325 settlement day in the country, my banks are not buying as readily as they have been; but undoubtedly after the first of the month the
350 market will loosen up.

Yours very truly, (357)

Banking and Financial 3 164

Mr. Henry Buckner,                                        

Keokuk, Iowa.                           

Dear Sir:

I am glad that you are started in the Iowa warrant matter. In warrants that are likely to run nine months or more,25 we can agree to pay the quarter premium rather than not get them. Of course you will understand that we do not intend to bull
50 the market, but we want to pay enough in this matter for you to give it your personal attention. Could you not make something in
75 keeping track of Iowa bonds about to be issued or refunded? We are also in the market for choice commercial paper.

Yours respectfully, (98)