Still, I am speaking as though boys or men were the only ones qualified in this class of work. The opposite is the rule generally. The boy makes the best hypnotic subject. It would scarcely do to keep a girl under the same condition that you would put the boy under. And yet one of the greatest hypnotists who ever lived had his daughter with him. A daughter, however, is quite different from a paid subject.

But in psychic work you will find that you can get girls that will far excel anything you might be fortunate to get among boys. It is better to have girls or boys for this class of work; that is, young ladies or gentlemen. They are much more attractive on the stage. I speak from a purely commercial point of view. I am looking at the advertising there is in all these things. I want my pupils to learn to do the same thing. Never lose track of the fact that you are endeavoring to make impressions on the public mind. Then you are in a good way to succeed.

If you step off the train accompanied by a good-looking young lady you will create more favorable comment than you would do were you to step onto the platform with some shriveled up old woman at your elbow. Avoid these old females that try to pose as young. I am not putting beauty as the requisite, but I know that it counts for a great deal. It is far better if you have your wife or a sister, for then you can fulfill your duty of caring for her.

That is to say, you are to choose a woman of comely appearance if you can. If you cannot, by all means do not advertise her as some young girl. It will cause disgust on the part of that element who are still unmarried or who are married and seem to forget the fact. But do not take the best appearing woman on earth into your company if you know that her work is faulty. Know through practical experience that your subject can do the work. Boys are the best where you can get a good one, because they are fitted to withstand the travel, etc., incident to a life on the road.

Having chosen your subject you will start in to train him along the lines of psychic development. A good somnambulist will often develop into a good clairvoyant, psychometrist or mind-reader. You will find that through the influence of hypnotism you will bring about that development much more rapidly than you would through working in the waking state. I have known of clairvoyants who persisted in keeping on in their own faulty way.

Never take the word of a clairvoyant or mind-reader that he can accomplish the feats he claims. When you blindfold him, do so under "test conditions." I will admit that many a fraud has been exposed under these circumstances, but I also know that there is a genuine side to there psychological phases and that much of it can be given in public.

The spirit medium in public usually endeavors to deceive his audi-ence. He does so because there is seldom a real medium who will give public demonstrations of his powers. When you have blindfolded your subject, be sure that you are alone. Then submit your tests. If he fails, give him two or three more trials at different times. But if he can give you nothing genuine make up your mind that his work is fraud from beginning to end.

The lives of these people always prove that false work does not pay in the long run. I know a young man who would rather give rank fraud than anything real. He is to-day in no standing among his home people, an outcast, as it were, among his fellows. He was thought "clever" in the beginning, but his cleverness finally showed itself and he failed.

Pursue something legitimate and something that is not "crankism" and you will win in time. I have in mind a hypnotist who failed in his wmiI, iiiiic and time again ; that is, in the financial part of it. He traveled thousands of miles, but he kept right at it. Finally he won. So it is with you all, If you are faint-hearted keep away from the road, or if you read these instructions with the idea of giving dishonest work, keep away from the road. If you have something genuine you are not afraid to produce.

If anywhere or under any test conditions. If you are giving the public then it value as they have paid for it, they will recommend you.

We will assume that you have a good clairvoyant, one also who is a good mind reader, and with whom you can do much without contact. Your entertainment contains hypnotism and many other phases of psychic work to short, it is a varied entertainment. Here is the way you should divide it.

If your are in a town for only one night, give your street test in the afternoon. If you have your window sleeper, you will have to be there the day before. When it comes to your entertainment, the first part should be mind reading. Do not spend over thirty minutes at this, giving just a few tests. This you are to do yourself if you are a mind-reader, or your subject will do it if you are not capable.

After the mind-reading you will put on another half hour with your subject, illustrating his ability in whatever directions that may lie. If he is a very accomplished subject - or psychic, rather - you may advertise to have him read messages that the audience bring with them. This can be done. If you can blindfold him and have him perform certain acts merely through the direction of your mind, give a test or two in that. If you can take cards or articles and hold them back of him, allowing one of the committee to ask him what they are and the committee to select them, so that the audience will plainly see that you are not deceiving them, give a few short tests in this line. If he can give a psychometric reading, introduce that in your programme.

Then will follow an intermission, after which you will put on your hypnotic show.

I will divide these shows into their respective classes. In the first and second parts of the book I told you all that is necessary about the production of the hypnotic entertainment. Throughout the work I have given a variety of speeches and I have taught you that each act should be explained to the audience just prior to its performance. In this, the third part of this work, I have shown you how to carry on the mind-reading entertainment, in regard to advertising or to the production of the engagement from the standpoint of an amateur or a professional, which, I told you, will differ merely in the manner of making business arrangements. In the one you are venturing and know that you can lose but little; in the other, you have been on the road for some time and know that it is a means of livelihood to you.