THE line of Life is, according to our hypothesis, the third line which receives the Electric Current upon its entrance through the finger of Jupiter. This line rises at the side of the hand under the finger of Jupiter, encircles the Mounts of Lower Mars and Venus, and in most cases ends under the Mount of Venus at the base of the hand (174). The line of Life indicates the health of the subject during the various periods of life, his physical strength in general, and whether he lives during each period on his nervous force or relies upon muscular robustness. By reason of these facts, it records many detailed events in his life, and forms a basis to fall back upon when seeking confirmations or explanations of indications found elsewhere in the hand. It shows whether the course of the life is upward or downward, and will fix the year when the zenith of the subject's powers are reached. In many cases it also shows the probable termination of the life, and often by what disease or agency. If you ask, "Why does the line of Life show these things?" we must answer, "We do not know, unless our hypothesis that the lines are the life map of the subject be correct." But we must add that thousands of recorded cases in the past prove, beyond a doubt, that these facts can and have been obtained from the line of Life, and, reasoning from past to present, we feel confident that the same information may still be secured from the same source.

If our hypothesis is not correct, it works out just the same as if it were, and in the absence of any better explanation of the phenomena of the Life line, we must, for the present at least, rest upon the statement that the Life line is the map of the natural course of the subject's life. When we think that the line shows, first, the health of the subject, and, second, his physical strength, we cannot deny that with a knowledge of his state of health, general vitality, and physical strength in our possession, we would be poor reasoners indeed if we could not take such information and from these causes figure out their results. It is from such a basis that the present work upon the Life line has been deduced, and many experiments prove it to be correct.

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No. 174.

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No. 17S.

There is little use in discussing an absence of the Life line, for few cases will be found where none is present. A great variation will be found in the length of lines, but where it seems at first sight to be absent you will in nearly every case discover a remnant of it, showing that the line has existed in some form. I have seen a few cases where no Life line at all was present (175), and in such cases have found that the subject had but little muscular strength and vitality, but has lived on nervous energy. These people were subject to many nervous collapses, and had constantly to husband the strength, sleep much, and avoid excitement. The absence of a Life line simply shows that the life of the subject hangs only by a hair, and for such an one Death is a visitor who may come at any moment. These subjects have never lived in a robust condition, but have always been delicate. In the beginning of your study of the Life line, I wish to say that a big thumb and a good Head line indicate qualities that often overcome the poorest Life line, prolonging the life far past its natural ending place. In no case, therefore, should absolute statements be made that death will come at a given time, for, while you may see great danger, will power may be strong enough to wrest life from death.

It is far better for your subject's course through life that some kind of a line be present, even though it may be a weak one, for in this case there is some resistance, some vital force, while with the absent line all energy depends upon the nerves, and when these give way collapse ensues. You will sometimes find it difficult to distinguish the Life line from the Saturn line (176) or from strong influence lines found inside of the Life line (177). In 176 the inside line is the Life line, though the second or Saturn line takes up a part of the Life line's function from the time the Life line leaves off. In 177 the outside line is the Life line, and the inner line gives it strength. As a guide in all such cases remember that the Life line should enclose the Mount of Venus and not run on top of it. By keeping this point in view you can always properly distinguish the Life line from other lines.

The Life line usually rises at the side of the hand under Jupiter (178). This is the normal source, and marks the beginning of the life. Sometimes, however, the line rises from the Mount of Jupiter (179). This shows that the life is a most ambitious one, ailed with desires for wealth, success, and fame, and that the subject will take every opportunity to become acquainted with people of note. If he be a Saturaian, he is ambitious for success along Saturnian, lines, such as occult studies, physics, chemistry, medicine.

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No. 176.

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No. 177.

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No. 178.

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No. 179.

Farming, mining, or is greedy for money, according to which phalanx of the Saturn finger rules. If he be an Apollonian, he is ambitious for success and fame as an artist, as a money maker, or as one who makes a display in the world, according to which phalanx of the finger rules. If he be a Mercurian, he is ambitious as an orator, a scientist, or in money matters, according to the ruling phalanx of this finger. The same reasoning applies to the other Mounts. In all cases this subject will be extremely proud. It is seldom that any other source is seen for the Life line than that shown in 178, and if any other combination is encountered it must be reasoned out from the qualities belonging to that part of the hand from which the line rises. In its course through the hand the Life line varies little, the principal deflections being when the line runs close to the thumb (180), in which case it reduces the size of the Mount of Venus, thus checking the operation of that Mount, and the subject is cold, unsympathetic, lacks sexual desire and attraction for or to the opposite sex. This is a most important marking when you desire to estimate the probability of a fruitful marriage, for the less Venusian sexual desire present, the less likely is the subject to have children.

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No. 180.