Cecile Jules Basile Gerard, a French officer, born at Pignans, Var, June 14, 1817, drowned in Africa in September, 1864. Enlisting in the spahis, he landed in Africa in 1842, and two years later killed his first lion. In all he killed 25. On his return to France he gave the results of his experience in La chasse au lion (1855) and Gerard le tueur de lions (1856). The latter work has been translated into English under the title of " Gerard the Lion Killer." He afterward proposed to explore the Kong range in western Guinea, which had not yet been visited by any European. Starting from England in the latter part of 1863, he attempted to penetrate into the interior of Africa through Dahomey. Failing in this, he proceeded to Sierra Leone, whence an English man-of-war took him to the river Gallinas. He started again for the interior, but having been plundered of his baggage he resolved to return to Sierra Leone. While crossing the river Jong he was drowned.