Astor Honse,

New York, Dec. 7, 1837 My Dear Julia :

I don't remember that I ever wrote you a letter. I feel confident, however, that your correspondence is not very extensive; and therefore I flatter myself that what I write you will be read with attention, and I trust, also, deposited in your heart. Before trusting my self to the sea, let me say a few words to you which shall be my good-by. I have often spoken to you of certain habits of personal care, which I will not here more particularly refer to than by asking you to remember all I have told you.

I am very glad, my dear, to remember your cheerful countenance. I shall keep it in my mind as I travel over sea and land, and hope that when I return I may still find its pleasant smile ready to greet me. Try never to cry. But above all things never be obstinate or passionate. If you find your temper mas tering you, always stop till you count sixty before you say or do anything. Let it be said of you that you are always amiable. Love your father and mother and brothers and sisters, and all your friends; cultivate an affectionate disposition.

If you find that you can do anything which will add to the pleasure of your parents, or anybody else, be sure to do it. Consider every opportunity of adding to the pleasure of others as of the highest importance, and do not be unwilling to sacrifice some enjoyment of your own, even some dear plaything, if by doing so you can promote the happiness of others. If you follow this advice you will never be selfish or ungenerous, and everybody will love you.

Study all the lessons you have at school, and when at home, in the time when you are tired of play, read some good books which will help to improve your mind. . . . If you will let Horace read this letter it will do the same, perhaps, as one addressed to him. Give my love to mother, and Mary, and the rest. Your affectionate brother,