From photo by Lafayette, Dublin, taken at Balmoral in September, 1899.

As I wish my sketches of Doggy People to be as widely representative as possible, I do not think I should be justified in excluding a short notice of the above-named merely on account of their distinguished position.

I believe I am right in saying that all the members of our Royal Family have been lovers of animals in general, and dogs in particular, from their childhood, in which they but follow in the footsteps of their revered parents; and there is not the least doubt that the active and continuous patronage and support given by our late beloved Queen has had a most beneficial effect on all kinds of exhibitions of live stock throughout the British Empire, which certainly stands at the head of all countries of the world in that respect.

His Majesty has been no apathetic admirer of dogs, but for many years an active breeder and occasional exhibitor in several varieties. So long ago as the capital shows held in the ancient town of Warwick, I remember His Majesty exhibiting Skye Terriers, Chows, and Foreign Dogs, as several of them came before me to judge; and of late years we have seen Spaniels, Basset-hounds, and specimens from the Arctic regions frequently appearing at our shows from the Royal Kennels in open competition.

Her Majesty Queen Alexandra

Her Majesty Queen Alexandra has been mostly identified with the Borzois (or Russian Wolf-hounds), Smooth Basset-hounds, Chows, Skyes, Pugs, and Japanese Spaniels, all of which, I think, Her Majesty has exhibited with success. All who have seen Their Majesties at a dog show, as I have often had the pleasure of doing, would not need to be told they were Doggy People, as theirs are no formal visits, but evidently caused by a keen enjoyment of seeing so many good and typical specimens on the benches, and often stopping to admire and speak to those that took their fancy. Her Majesty is accompanied in her portrait by her well-known Champion of Champions Alix (Russian Wolf-hound), and has in her arms one of the beautiful Toy Japanese Spaniels.



From photo by T. Fall London.

I trust we may long enjoy the advantage of the Royal patronage and support at our leading shows, and that the cares and affairs of State may not estrange Their Majesties from the interest they have hitherto taken in the Doggy World, which is all the better from having at its head such distinguished members, who in these few words I mention first in my brief sketches of Doggy People.