Although this fancier is not seen nearly so often on this side of the Irish Channel as his many English friends would wish, I am sure I should be blamed if I omitted to include him in my gallery of Doggy People, as he probably did more than most others to popularise the Terrier of his native land, and has bred and owned great numbers of the best specimens seen in Ireland or England.

His distinguished career as a breeder and exhibitor extends over twenty-five years, during which he has negotiated some of the most important transactions in dogs known to modern times, and the frequency of his services being requisitioned for the export of specimens to America and other countries earned for him the soubriquet of "The Irish Ambassador," which he will probably be known by to many of his friends as long as he lives.

In a notice of this gentleman in Our Dogs some time since, written by one of his oldest friends, the writer says: "Mr. Graham is one of the warmest-hearted and most genial Irishmen we ever met, and is brimful of that native wit for which his race is distinguished; indeed, we should not be far from the mark if we summed up Mr. Graham's character by accrediting him with the common sense of an Englishman, the wit of an Irishman, and the shrewdness of a Scotchman."

Some years ago Mr. Graham visited the United States of America, and came back with heaps of commissions from Doggy People in that country to send them all kinds of dogs.

He was one of the founders of the Irish Terrier Club, and is still associated with that successful undertaking, over which Dr. Carey, J.P., has so long and so ably acted as Hon. Secretary.

At one time Mr. Graham resided at Newtown, Breda, near Belfast, and hence arose the prefix "Breda," so often seen in connection with dogs from his kennel. A very few of the names of the dogs from this kennel are Breda Muddler, Breda Mixer, Extreme Carelessness, Breda Star, Breda Dan, Breda Ned, Breda Emma, Breda Mike, and Breda Belle.

With regard to the peculiar name of one of the above, some of the older exhibitors may remember a dispute about the pedigree of a dog shown by a well-known fancier, which, Mr. Graham alleged, was not correct. The matter was referred to the Kennel Club: they decided in favour of the subject of this sketch, and that "it was extreme carelessness on the part of the other." The next specimen registered by Mr. Graham bore the unique name of "Extreme Carelessness."

Since writing the foregoing I have heard, with much regret, of the death of Mr. W. Graham, which will, I am sure, cause sorrow amongst a large circle of friends on both sides of the Channel.



By permission of Our Dogs.