Material: Cream-colored paper 9 in. x 10 1/2 in.; cardboard 1 1/2 in. x 20 in.; paste, scissors, and ruler. For cover: Cream paper 4 1/2 in. x 7 1/8 in.; colored paper 4 1/2 in. x 7 1/8 in., and strawboard 1/2 in. x 20 1/2 in.

Place the paper 9 x 10 1/2 on the desk, short edge toward you.

Japanese Box 136

Fig. 1

Japanese Box 137

Fig 2

Three inches from the upper right-hand corner make a dot on the long edge.

Three inches from the upper left-hand corner, on the long edge, make another, and connect the dots by a line.

Three inches from the lower right-hand corner, on the long edge, make a dot, and three inches from the lower left-hand corner, on the long edge, another.

Connect the dots by a line.

Make a row of dots half an inch apart across the short edges.

Connect the dots by lines. (Fig. 1.)

Cut the paper (on the lines) into half-inch strips.

Cross two strips where the pencil mark is. (Three inches from the end.)

Add strips inside of each strip until all are used.

Weave over and under as in Fig. 2.

Divide the cardboard into four equal parts.

Crease dividing lines with the point of one blade of the scissors.

Bend. Paste ends together with a small strip of paper. (c, Fig. 3.)

Place the cardboard frame on the woven mat and bend up the ends of the strips, (a, Fig. 3.)

Bend them over the edge of the frame and paste down on the inside of the box. (b, Fig. 3.)

For the cover take the strip of strawboard 1/2 x 20 1/2.

Divide it into four sections 5 1/8 inches long.

Crease, and bend into frame.

Place the sheet of cream paper 4 1/2 x 7 1/8 on the desk, with the short edge toward you.

One inch from the upper right-hand corner, on the long edge, make a dot, and one inch from the upper left-hand corner, on the long edge, another.

Draw a line connecting the dots.

One inch from the lower right-hand corner, on the long edge, make a dot, one inch from the lower left-hand corner, on the long edge, another.

Join the dots.

Make a row of dots half an inch apart across each short edge.

Join the dots by lines.

Cut the paper into half-inch strips (on the lines).

Japanese Box 138

Fig 3

Japanese Box 139

Fig 4

Japanese Box 140

Fig 5

With the piece of colored paper do just as has been done with the cream-colored paper.

Weave the two and paste upon the frame as was done with the box. (Fig. 4.)