Needlework Books
Books on needlework, sewing, embroidery, educational and general needlecraft.
Decorative Needlework | by May Morris- These pages are written for and dedicated to those who, without much previous knowledge of the art of embroidery, have a love for it and a wish to devote a little time and patience to its practice. The booklet does not profess in any way to be exhaustive, but should be useful as a keynote to further study, having been written from practical knowledge of the subject.
Home And School Sewing | by Frances Patton- Miss Kirby, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, has conducted monthly meetings of the teachers of sewing, in which were freely discussed methods of making and teaching the various seams, and all matters pertaining to the subject. In order that the best method of instructing the children in classes might be secured, experiments were made and reported upon, the teachers being encouraged to express their difficulties and tell their successes; thus placing the experience of the entire force at the disposal of each individual. The lessons in this book are mainly the outgrowth of the practical suggestions mentioned above, tested and worked out many times by the author in the schools under her charge, together with the careful study of books on the subjects treated.
Hand Sewing Lessons | by Sarah Ewell Krolik- "Hand Sewing Lessons " is a book for those who wish to learn sewing and how to teach it to others. It gives a practical course for normal and high school classes and supplies trained teachers with printed instructions for pupils in place of written ones that take so much time and that overlap the work of other departments. The stitches are combined for practice while new ones are being learned, so as to form a continuous line of progress and carry out the principle of bridging the way from the known to the unknown, and of making a pleasant road to knowledge, which will become a part of daily life in after years.
A Sewing Course For Teachers | by Mary Schenck Woolman- Comprising Directions For Making The Various Stitches And Instruction In Methods Of Teaching
Spool Knitting | by Mary A. McCormack- Few elementary exercises have aroused more interest in the child than the toy knitting; due, perhaps, to its simplicity and his power to do it easily and well. To some keen observer the little orb-weaving spider may have suggested this form of occupation. Be this as it may, the child who is a lover of nature will be quick to perceive the strong resemblance he bears to this little insect while at work with his toy knitter, going from post to post just as the insect worked its net in spiral form on his framework of radiating lines.
Text-Book On Domestic Art: With Illustrations And Drafts | by Carrie Crane Ingalls- The art of sewing, intuitive in every girl, should be developed; if a mother can not teach her little daughter elementary sewing, why should not the State provide teachers for this important subject? Indeed, not only for little daughters, but for growing and grown-up girls, should skilled teachers be employed, in sewing, dressmaking, embroidery and millinery, - just as they are provided for foreign languages, mathematics, art, music, etc. While I would not compel nor require every girl to become an adept in the domestic arts, still she deserves the opportunity of this training if she wishes it. Let us not forget that there is just as much system, order and discipline in sewing, as those other studies which tend to educate her for the fullest duties of life.
School Needlework. A Course of Study in Sewing Designed For Use In Schools | by Olive C. Hapgood- The importance of instruction in sewing in the Public School is now generally recognized. As manual training comes into greater prominence, new methods and helps are necessary. The demand for these was felt by the author, and this book is the result of practical experience in the class-room. Its purpose is to assist both teacher and pupil; lightening the teacher's labors by saving constant repetition, and giving the pupil a manual for reference, with the hope that the information thus acquired will assist in fitting her for the duties of life. Simplicity with completeness has been the aim throughout.
Clothing And Health. An Elementary Textbook Of Home Making | by Helen Kinne- This volume treats largely of the clothing problems and of the elementary work in sewing which precedes garment making. It also includes the subject of the leading textile materials, - where they are grown and how they are manufactured ready for our use. Such topics as the hygiene of clothing, buying materials and clothing wisely, the clothing budget, the use of the commercial pattern, the care and repair of clothing, color combinations, and attractiveness in dress, are woven in with the lessons on sewing and textiles, in a very simple and elementary way.
School Sewing Based On Home Problems | by Ida Robinson Burton, Myron G. Burton- The most striking feature of the modern educational system is the atmosphere of practical application which surrounds every line of its endeavor. Educators have come to realize that the surest approach to the child's mind is through the light of his experience. They are therefore striving to utilize the impressions gathered outside the classroom in motivating some of the mental gymnastics which, heretofore, have been sheerest abstractions. Not only has the scope of the curriculum been extended in such a way as to include the subjects founded upon home and community problems, but the very manner of dealing with those subjects themselves has undergone a change consistent with the general scheme of making the child's experience the constant handmaid to his training.
Embroidery Stitches | by M. E. Wilkinson- In this collection of Embroidery Stitches, I have endeavoured to place before those artists who are interested in needlecraft an exposition of the most useful and artistic stitches that have formed a part of my own work during several years' study and practice of Art Embroidery. Some of these will be familiar to Needle-artists : others will serve to exemplify how, in process of working, fresh stitches may be evolved from old ones ; or how, when originality gains ground entirely new stitches become apparent and workable
Embroidery Or The Craft Of The Needle | W. G. Paulson Townsend- In that remarkable revival of the arts and handicrafts of design, which has, curiously enough, characterised the close of a century of extraordinary mechanical invention and commercial development, that most domestic, delicate, and charming of them all, perhaps, the craft of the needle, holds a very distinct position.
Garments For Girls | by Celestine Leontine Schmit- Until recent years the art of cutting women's and children's garments without the aid of commercial patterns has, in this country, been known only to dressmakers and tailors. It is possible, however, for any one to master the definite yet simple underlying principles which the system of drafting here presents and thus be able to make in a very short time a perfect fitting skirt and waist pattern. These patterns may be readily used as a base upon which all the patterns needed for other garments can be developed. This method originated with Mme. A. Guerre and is extensively used in the public schools of France. Through its use, the expense and wastefulness of commercial patterns may be eliminated.
The Ladies' Work-Table Book: Domestic Needlework in Nineteenth-Century America | by Margaret Vincent- If it be true that "home scenes are rendered happy or miserable in proportion to the good or evil influence exercised over them by woman - as sister, wife, or mother" - it will be admitted as a fact of the utmost importance, that every thing should be done to improve the taste, cultivate the understanding, and elevate the character of those "high priestesses" of our domestic sanctuaries. The page of history informs us, that the progress of any nation in morals, civilization, and refinement, is in proportion to the elevated or degraded position in which woman is placed in society; and the same instructive volume will enable us to perceive, that the fanciful creations of the needle, have exerted a marked influence over the pursuits and destinies of man.
Art In Needlework: A Book About Embroidery | by Lewis F. Day- The joint authorship of the work needs, perhaps, a word of explanation. This is not just a man's book on a woman's subject. The scheme of it is mine, and I have written it, but with the co-operation throughout of Miss Mary Buckle. Our classification of the stitches is the result of many a conference between us. The description of the way the stitches are worked, and so forth, is my rendering of her description, supplemented by practical demonstration with the needle. She has primed me with technical information, and been always at hand to keep me from technical error. With reference to design and art I speak for myself.
Educational Needlecraft | by Margaret Swanson and Ann MacBeth- This book represents the first conscious and serious effort to take Needlecraft from its humble place as the Cinderella of Manual arts, and to show how it may become a means of general and even of higher education. The writers have faith that in taking the common things of life and walking truly among them they will find greatness and beauty at last. And this faith is justified. Through all the earlier chapters we are travelling step by step and by a narrow path towards a widening highway, along which at last the rapture of life and the vista of beauty greet the wayfarer.
Scientific Sewing And Garment Cutting | by Antoinette Van Hoesen Wakeman- This work on Scientific Sewing and Garment Cutting owes its publication to the constant and increasing demand for information in regard to the system which it explains. This demand has been created by the unqualified success of this form of manual training in the school where it has been taught, substantially as here set forth, for the past six years.
Sewing - Handicraft For Girls | by Idabelle McGlauflin- Experience has taught that the bringing of materials for the use of sewing classes from the various homes of the rich and the poor, the thrifty and the shiftless, the clean and the untidy has resulted unsatisfactorily. The success of any sewing course depends largely upon the use of proper and uniform materials. In most cities all materials, with the exception of those used for the full-sized garments, will be furnished by the board of education. School boards or teachers, so desiring, can obtain complete sets of materials for this course from the author.
The Cult Of The Needle | by Flora Klickmann- Articles on embroidery, stitches, design, etc.
Progressive Lessons In The Art and Practice of Needlework | by Catherine F. Johnson- The system of instruction in needlework, as given in this book, is the result of many years' study of the subject, and of practical application of the methods in the public schools of Brookline, Massachusetts. Experience has shown that careful preparation can make sewing as educational as any other subject of school instruction.
Tapestries; Their Origin, History And Renaissance | by George Leland Hunter- To me personally tapestries are the most interesting and delightful form of art, combining as they do picture interest with story interest and texture interest. If to some slight degree I have succeeded in expressing this interest on the pages of my first book, so that it shall please even the casual reader, my labour will not have been in vain.
A Girl's Problems In Home Economics | by Mabel B. Trilling- Healthful clothing, dress design, clothing construction, interior decoration, household textiles, care of the home
Household Textiles | by Charlotte M. Gibbs- Books on the subject of textiles have usually been written from the standpoint of the manufacturer or of the textile chemist. It has been the purpose of the writer to bring together in this book the general facts of most interest to the consumer. Those points have been chosen which will give a broader understanding of the textile market and aid in the selection and use of textile fabrics.