These are delicate designs in white appearing upon a softly-shaded ground. Procure a sheet of fine uncalendered drawing-paper, and arrange thereon a bouquet of pressed leaves, trailing vines, letters, or any design which it is desired to have appear in white. Fasten the articles by pins stuck into the smooth surface, which should be underneath the paper. Then slightly wet the bristles of a tooth or other brush in rubbed Indian ink, or in common black writing-ink. and draw them across a stick in such a manner that the bristles will be bent and then quickly released. This will cause a fine spatter of ink upon the paper. Continue the spattering over all the leaves, pins, and paper, allowing the centre of the pattern to receive the most ink, the edges shading off. When done, remove the design, and the forms will be found reproduced with accuracy on the tinted ground. With a rustic wooden frame, this forms a very cheap and pretty ornament.