Mince Meat For Pie

Two pounds of apples chopped fine.

One and one-fourth pound of washed and cleaned currants.

One and one-fourth pounds of lean boiled beef, chopped fine.

Four ounces citron. One orange and two lemons grated and the juice.

One and one-half pound of cleaned seedless raisins.

One and one-fourth pounds brown sugar.

Half nutmeg, grated.

Four tablespoonful of mixed ground spices. Brandy, wine or cider to taste, add enough of the beef broth to moisten well

Mince Pie

Line well greased and dusted pie tin with your pie crust. Put in the mince meat. Put on top crust with a number of holes cut in it, bake until a light brown, and until the mince meat in the pie boils up through the cut places in the crust.