(Study pages 83-97) Vegetables

See experiments, pages 83-84.

Get up an exhibit of uncommon vegetables.

Illustrate the effect of overcooking vegetables by boiling a peeled potato, - one until it is just soft, another until it becomes soggy.

Topic: History of the White Potato.

References: Farmers' Bulletin No 256, Preparation of Vegetables for the Table, by Maria Parloa. Farmers' Bulletin No. 121, Beans, Peas and other Legumes as Food, by Mary Hinman Abel; No. 127, Sweet Potatoes; No. 244, Cooking Qualities of Potatoes; No. 73, Losses in the Cooking of Vegetables; Extract from Year-Book, 1900, Value of Potatoes as Food.


History: See "Corn Plant" by Sargent. (75c., postage 6c.) Experiment: Cook cereal breakfast food for twenty minutes as directed. Start another portion the night before and cook for two hours, heating before serving. Compare results. References: Farmers' Bulletin No. 249, Cereal Breakfast Foods; Extract 324, Wheat Flour and Bread; Extract 326, Macaroni Wheat. The Cooking of Starch in Cereals, Extract No. 7, Illinois Experiment Station. (Postage 2c ) (Select and send answers to Test Questions on Part II.)