Beets contain considerable sugar. The variety known as "sugar beet" is cultivated in many countries for the manufacture of sugar. This industry is being introduced into this country. The beet is more nutritious than many other vegetables, but requires a long time for digestion - about four hours. For this reason it can not be eaten by many who have weak stomachs. They have a total nutritive value of twelve per cent.

Boiled Beets

Select fresh and tender beets, because withered or shriveled ones will never cook tender. Scrub them with a vegetable brush to remove all dirt, but be careful not to break off any of the rootlets, as that will cause them to bleed and lose their sweet flavor. Put into boiling water, and cook until tender, which can be ascertained by pressing upon the beet. Piercing with a fork will cause them to bleed. When done, rub off the skins, and slice while hot. Pour over them equal parts of lemon-juice and water. Let them stand several hours before using.

Chopped Beets

Cook as for boiled beets. Peel, chop fine, and pour over them a dressing made of lemon-juice and almond cream. Sugar may be added if desired.

Baked Beets

Cook as in the preceding recipe; when tender, cut into dice, place a layer in a pudding dish, and sprinkle with bread-crumbs; then add another layer of beets, covering with the bread-crumbs on the top. Pour over the whole enough salted, strained tomatoes to moisten well, and bake in a quick oven until brown on top. If desired, a plain nut cream may be used instead of the tomatoes.

Beet Greens

Take one peck of young beets, use the leaves and small beets, but reject the stocks, as they will be tough. Wash thoroughly, and cook until very tender; then drain, pressing out all the water possible; add salt to taste and 2 tablespoon-fuls of thick raw peanut cream. Let it stew for a few minutes; then chop quite fine with a sharp knife, and serve hot.