Proportions. Six cups of green California grapes; six cups of sugar; three oranges; six large figs; one half cup of water.

Method. Select very tart green grapes; split each grape and extract the pulp and seeds. Place the pulp in the water and let it simmer long enough to soften, then rub through sieve to keep back the seeds. Place the grape pulp and skins in preserving kettle; trim the yellow rind from the oranges in small shavings; cut oranges in halves and with a spoon scoop out the pulp, rejecting seeds or fiber; cut the figs into small pieces. Add all this to grapes and cook slowly for half an hour. Add half of the sugar and cook another half hour. Then stir in the rest of the sugar and cook until clear and until the juice jellies as soon as placed in a cold saucer. A little preserved ginger may be added.