13. - Orange and Bread Omelette.

Grate 1 tablespoonful of stale bread or cake and steep in orange juice. Beat 4 eggs, add nutmeg, sugar to taste and 1 salt-spoonful of grated orange rind ; have the omelette pan ready with hot butter, add the crumbs to the eggs and pour quickly into the pan; cook until set, fold and garnish with sliced oranges or with marmalade.

14. - Lamb Chops With Orange Sauce

Brown the chops in a hot oven; then cover with water and orange juice in equal parts and simmer until done; thicken the gravy with flour, salt and pepper to taste, and serve garnished with slices of orange that have been sprinkled with minced parsley. Be sure to cook in a granite or porcelain-lined pan.

15. - Green Pease With Orange Sauce

Slice 1 orange without peeling but reject the ends and the seeds; place in a sauce pan with green pease, add water to barely cover and 1 tablespoonful of butter to each cupful of pease, boil until the pease are tender, adding water if necessary to prevent burning but no more. When the pease are tender remove the orange slices, thicken with a little flour and serve hot.

Green Pease With Orange SauceGreen Pease With Orange SauceGreen Pease With Orange SauceGreen Pease With Orange Sauce

16.-Orange and Banana Compote

Boil 1 cupful of orange juice with the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 cupful of sugar for five minutes. Cool the syrup and dip in it one-inch slices of banana; arrange these in pyramid form, pour the syrup over them and sprinkle liberally with chopped pistachio nuts and candied cherries.

17.-Orange Charlotte With Lady-Fingers

Pour 1/2 cupful of boiling water over the grated rind of 1 orange, cover and steep for fifteen minutes. Soak 1/4 box of gelatine in 1/4 cupful of cold water; add 1 cupful of sugar to the water in which the orange rind is steeping, and heat to the boiling point; pour this over the gelatine, stir well, strain and set aside to cool. When cold, add the strained juice of 2 oranges. When it begins to thicken stir in 1 cupful of thick cream whipped to a stiff froth. Have a mould lined with lady-fingers and when the Charlotte is almost stiff pour it into this mould.

Orange Charlotte With Lady FingersOrange Charlotte With Lady FingersOrange Charlotte With Lady Fingers

18. - Orange Corn-starch Pie

Mix 3 tablespoonfuls of corn-starch, 1 salt-spoonful of salt and 1 1/2 cupfuls of sugar; add 1 cupful of boiling water and cook five minutes. Add the juice of 2 oranges and the grated rind of 1; cool slightly and add the beaten yolks of 4 eggs, then the beaten whites. Bake about twenty minutes in an open shell.