Take two chickens and boil until tender enough to pick off, boil with one large onion and six little chiltipin peppers and boil also one sweetbread. After picked off put in a deep dish a layer of hard boiled eggs first, then a layer of chicken, then a layer of sweetbreads, then eggs, alternating. Leave the soup in the kettle and boil with one teaspoonful of gelatin and chicken bones for half an hour, then pour over mould and set aside for the night. The soup that is left mould in a cup and slice over the top of chicken. Serve this with mayonnaise sauce and browned crackers. Remove from the deep dish after it is moulded.

Mayonnaise Sauce For Pressed Chicken

To make a mayonnaise perfectly and at the same time certain that it does not curdle, add a few drops of lemon juice right at the beginning. To make a small quantity, use the yolk of an egg, half a teaspoonful of salt and some white pepper and the juice of half a large lemon or that of a whole lemon. Strain this juice. Mix the yolk and the seasoning, adding about three drops of lemon or so and a few. drops of oil, whisking briskly with a fork. Add more oil slowly, whisking in a cupful of oil and every now and then add a little of the lemon. It should be thick, firm and still creamy. Add a bit of rich cream when the mayonnaise is made. You can add to this which improves it, chopped green peppers, chopped pimentos, chopped pickled English walnuts, and a pinch of English mustard. - Mrs. E. B. Perrin, Williams, Ariz.

Pressed Chicken

Boil two chickens until dropping to pieces, remove skin and bones, season with salt and pepper, add the liquor boiled down to a teacup or less. Put into a deep tin or mold, pressing well down. Let get perfectly cold and slice. Packing into baking powder cans makes pretty round slices. If a knuckle of veal is boiled with the chicken it will be solid and slice well. - Mrs. J. L. Richmond, Chicago, Ills.