One cup of sugar, one cup of water, one cup of raisins, one tablespoonful of corn starch. Boil all until cooked. Add the juice of a lemon. Bake with two crusts. - Mrs. Don Reed, Harper, Kans.

Raisin Cream Pie

One egg, one cup chopped raisins, one cup of sour cream, one-half cup of sugar, season with cloves and cinnamon. Bake in one crust. - Mrs. John Clark, Flagstaff, Ariz.

Raisin Pie

One pound seeded raisins. Boil fifteen minutes in one pint water; add one cupful sugar, two tablespoonfuls vinegar, three tablespoonfuls corn starch dissolved in a little cold water, one grated nutmeg, butter size of a walnut and a little salt; let boil fifteen minutes longer. Bake in one or two crusts as desired.

(This will make three small or two large pies. - Mrs. James F.

Mooney, Grand Rapids, Mich.