Cakes and cookies made with honey are more delicious - retain their moisture longer - cost less to sweeten than with sugar, these war times or any time. Use honey.

The Sweets-and-the-Child Problem

Children must have sweets - their sweet tooth is not mere habit or a weakness, but a Nature-call. While sugar and ordinary syrups do answer the call for sweets they also demand a price in the tax they lay on stomach and kidneys. Honey confers the benefit without demanding payment - it is a food as well as a delicious sweet - it is wholesome - it aids digestion - it lays no tax on stomach, kidneys or teeth.

Following Recipes are used at Miss Farmer's School of Cookery

Honey Icing. Boil 1/2 cup honey until it forms a firm ball when tried in cold water. Pour slowly over the beaten whites of 2 eggs and beat until cold. Flavor with a few drops lemon extract. Set over hot water and fold gently over and over for two minutes. Spread 1/2 of this on the cake. Make a small funnel with 1/2 sheet of thin tough writing paper, clip the point and use to decorate cake with remaining icing. Use candles on the plate around the cake and flowers in the center.

Honey Dressing. Bring 1/2 cup strained honey to the boiling point, pour slowly, while beating constantly, onto well beaten yolks of 3 eggs. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly; remove from fire, and stir occasionally until cool. Add 1/2 [teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon paprika and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Just before using, add 1 cup cream beaten stiff.

The A. I. Root Co. - Medina, Ohio

"The Home of the Honey Bees"

Gold Medal

Pitted Prunes

Save You

Time-Labor - Fuel - Money

All Prune Meat No Pits

USE GOLD MEDAL PITTED PRUNES and practice real economy. A pound of these pitted prunes means a pound of solid prune meat, not 75% meat and 25% pits. They are ready for immediate use in desserts, bread, cakes, etc., without the trouble and loss of time and material in

Pitting the fruit. They only require a few minutes' soaking and cooking, roper directions and numerous recipes enclosed in every package.

Insist that your grocer supplies you with

Gold Medal Pitted Prunes

Packed only by


Dried and Evaporated Fruits

13 Jay Street • • New York, N. Y.

The Modern Kitchen

The Sanitary Kitchen demands above all a Sanitary Refrigerator arranged to be iced from the outside. On its good qualities depends the health of your entire family. If it is damp, foul smelling and germ producing it may cause serious illness.

mcCRAY Sanitary

Refrigerators are used in the most exacting, modern, diet-kitchen.

They are used by the Pure Food Testing Laboratories of the United States Government and also in use in

Miss Farmer's School of Cookery.

Call or telephone us and we shall gladly furnish you with additional information regarding McCray Refrigerators. Send for Catalog No. 93 describing residence Refrigerators.

McCray Refrigerator Co.

407 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.

Tel. Back Bay 5140 General Office and Factory, Kendallville, Ind.

The Boston Cooking School uses and recommends these goods

Wales' HOMEMADE Jellies

Are Pronounced By A Scotch Expert, Who Is Acquainted With The Product Of All Countries, To Be

"Tte finest in the World"

They contain no Starch Paste, Gelatine or Glue Stock for stiffening. No Glucose or "Grape Sugar" for "tilling." No Chemicals for coloring. No Preservatives to prevent fermentation. They are not made of Refuse Canning Stock, - cores and skins, - but of Pure Fruit Juice, true to name, and best Refined Sugar, and Nothing Else.

Home Made


ARE made from the best TABLE FRUIT, in its

Most Perfect Condition, And best REFINED SUGARS

I use no bleaching process to make green fruit look well.

They contain no coloring matter or chemical preservatives. They are ABSOLUTELY PURE.

"Purity in materials," "perfect condition in fruit," "scrupulous care in their preparation," have made them the world over The Standard of Excellence.

if your grocer does not keep my goods, send for price list to

George €. Wales,

Newton Centre, Mass.


Fit All Popular Jars


Boston. Mass.


Martha Washington

29 East Twenty-ninth Street NEW YORK CITY

Just off Fifth Avenue

"The World Famous Woman's Hotel"

ISN'T it comforting to know that there is one hotel in New York devoted entirely to the interests of "Mere Woman " ? Almost everywhere you go, you find that such and such a convenience is made because "men like it that way," but in the Hotel Martha Washington men's desires are never questioned. Here there is only one question of interest, and that is, "What can we do to increase the comfort and happiness of guests?" Nearly all our employees are women, and they, too, are on the watch for the answer to this question. Our one big idea is service.

From our 500 spotless rooms you may select one at $1.50 per day and up; $1.00 per day each where several take a large room together. We serve an excellent table d'hote luncheon at 40 cents and dinner at 65 cents.

Booklet and additional information sent upon request


By Miss Alice Bradley

'Principal of Miss Farmer's School of Cookery, Boston, Mass.

THERE is no repast so complete but that Garnishing with Lemons will add charm and zest. The witching drop of lemon juice" is a real aid to digestion, and is rapidly replacing vinegar in salads and on vegetables.