To make the entremets properly, it is necessary to have a mould in the form of a dome four inches deep and six in diameter; this mould and its lid should be pierced all over, the same as a skimmer. There should be a rim round the lid of the dome that it may cover it so closely that all air may be excluded.

Peel six and thirty small red apples and cut them into quarters; toss them in a stewpan with four ounces of fine sugar (over winch must be grated the rind of an orange), and four ounces of butter lukewarm; then place the stewpan over the stove, with fire on the cover. When your apples are done, pour them into a dish. Whilst they are cooling mix up three-quarters of a pound of stiff paste; then roll out half of it to the thickness of the eighth of an inch. With this crust line the inside of your mould, which must be previously well buttered. Be careful that the paste lays quite flat, leaving a piece all round the edge of the mould, then put in the best quarters of the apples, and fill up the mould with the rest of the apples and their liquor, then roll out the rest of the paste very thin, into two parts, cut in rounds. Slightly moisten the paste which you have left round the edge of the mould, and place upon it one of the rounds of paste, pinching the edges carefully together, then slightly moisten, and place upon it your other round piece of paste, pinching the edge of this with the others to make it quite close, then cover them with the lid of the mould well buttered.

Now, turn your mould over into the middle of a napkin, and tie up the corners of it close over the top of the dome, and put it into a saucepan (nine inches deep and nine wide) full of boiling water; and let it be kept constantly boiling for an hour and a half; when it has boiled for this time, take it out of the saucepan, untie the napkin, take out the mould, remove the lid, place the mould on a dish, and then carefully take it off from the pudding; strew fine sugar all over your pudding, and serve it quite hot.