Graham Grits

To four parts of water boiling in the inner dish of a double boiler add slowly, so as not to stop the boiling of the water, one part of graham grits. Stir until thickened; then place in the outer boiler, and steam from three to five hours. Serve hot or mold in cups previously dipped in cold water, and serve with a dressing of fruit juice. Fig sauce, prepared as previously directed, is also excellent with graham grits. A sauce prepared as directed for grape sauce, from canned or freshly stewed berries, is also excellent with this grain.

Plum Porridge

Prepare a wheat-meal or graham mush as previously directed, and when done, add to it a cup of well-steamed raisins and sufficient rich milk to thin it to the consistency of porridge.

Blackberry Mush

Rub a pint of canned or freshly stewed and sweetened blackberries, having considerable juice, through a fine colander or sieve to remove the seeds. Add water to make a pint and a half cupful in all, heat to boiling, and sprinkle into it sufficient sifted wheat-meal or graham flour to make a mush of the desired thickness.

Peach Mush

Prepare the same as blackberry mush, using very thin peach sauce made smooth by subbing through a colander. Freshly stewed or canned peaches or nicely cooked dried peaches are suitable for this purpose. Apples and grapes may be likewise used.