Ripe sound tomatoes Mixed spices


Put into an enameled saucepan as many tomatoes as are required, cook over slow fire until tomatoes become detached from skins, strain through a fine sieve, pressing with a wooden spoon, and throw away the first watery liquor that passes through sieve. Return to pan with a little mixed spices (one half tablespoon to each pound), and add salt to taste; stir over slow fire until pulp is condensed, turn into earthenware dish, and let cool. When cold fill into sterilized bottles and allow to stand over hot water fifteen minutes. Cork when perfectly cold and keep in cool place.

A Canner for Canning Fruits and Vegetables.

A Canner for Canning Fruits and Vegetables.

A Spring Luncheon Table.

A Spring Luncheon Table.

A St. Valentine Table.

A St. Valentine Table.