Blanch and cook six beef palates in a good mirepoix stock (No.419), drain and leave them to cool under a weight, pare and cut up into large Julienne; lay these in asautoir with three gills of Madeira sauce, simmer ou a slow fire for a quarter of au hour, and when very tender add half the quantity of freshly cooked truffles cut like the fillets. Have a good risot prepared with about a half pound of Piedmontese rice (No. 739); as soon as done remove and mix in one spoonful of sweet Spanish pepper reduced to a pulp; cover the saucepan and keep it for five to six minutes on the side of the range and then finish with butter and grated parmesan; season to taste. With this rice fill a buttered border mold, as shown in the cut, place it for a few moments in the heater to harden, then unmold it on a dish and fill the center with beef palate preparation; serve at once.

Recipes For Border Of Risot Valenciennes Bordure D 432

Fig. 413.