(2759). Mushroom Crusts And With Truffles - Mousserons (Croutes Aux Champignons Mousserons Et Croutes Aux Champignons Mousserons Aux Truffes)

These are prepared in various ways. Flat crusts are made three inches in diameter and a quarter of an inch thick, to be covered over with butter and placed in the oven to attain a fine color. Or cut off the tops of some rolls or flutes, empty out all the crumbs,, coat the inside with fresh butter and put them into the oven to color nicely. Turn and channel (No. 118; one pound of sound mushroom heads; wash them in clear water, then place in a saucepan with a small piece of butter, salt, lemon juice and a little water, boil for a few moments, keeping the vessel closed. Reduce some veloute sauce (No. 415) with this mushroom liquid, add to it the mushrooms, remove at the first boil and thicken with four egg-yolks, a little cream and fresh butter; fill or cover the crusts with this and serve at once.

For Mushroom And Truffle Crusts

Prepare the same way, only adding minced truffles to the mushrooms; they may be colored in the oven by besprinkling the tops with bread-crumbs and cheese, pouring butter over, then set in the oven for a few moments.

(2760). Mushrooms Sauted With Thickened Butter And Broiled Mushrooms On Toast - Mousserons (Champignons Mousserons Sautes Au Beurre Lie Et Champignons Grilles)

Turn one pound of mush-room heads (No. 118); peel the stalks and cut them up into medium-sized pieces. Put some clarified butter in a sautoir, add all the mushrooms, set it on the fire and let cook with salt, lemon juice and white wine. Just when ready to serve add a little bechamel sauce (No. 409); thicken with two egg-yolks and dilute with a gill of cream.

Broiled Mushrooms On Toast

Choose large, fully opened mushrooms, remove the stems and peel the heads, season with salt and pepper, besmear with oil or melted butter and place them in a hinged gridiron (Fig. 172). Broil on a slow fire and when cooked on one side, turn over. About ten minutes should be sufficient to cook them. Dress on toast, having the rounded sides uppermost, spread over the top partly melted maitre-d'hotel butter (No. 581) and serve hot.

(2761). Mushrooms Served Under A Glass Cover And With Cream (Champignons Servis Sous Cloche En Verre Et A La Creme)

Have some round slices of bread three inches in diameter and three-eighths of an inch thick. Cut off the stalks from some very fresh mushroom heads, channel (No. 118) and saute; range these on the slices of bread (the heads downward); season with salt and pepper and lay a single slice on a dish so that each individual guest can be supplied with a separate one. Cover with a bell made either of glass or silver and push them into the oven for twenty minutes. After removing lift off the bells and cover the mushrooms with a white wine veloute sauce (No. 415) or a white wine espagnole sauce (No. 492).

Under A Glass Cover With Cream

Fry some turned mushroom heads in butter; moisten with fresh cream, season with salt and pepper; cover and simmer until the cream becomes partially reduced. Have slices of bread prepared the same as for the above, put a slice on each plate, and on these dress the mushrooms in a pyramid form, pouring a part of their liquid over each; put on the bells and lay them to bake in a slack oven for twenty minutes, then serve with the bells still on.

(2762). Mushrooms Stuffed In Cases With Madeira - Mousserons (Champignons Mousserons Farcis En Caisses Au Madere)

Procure twelve mushrooms, each an inch and three-quarters in diameter; remove both peel and stalks; wash and with a vegetable spoon (Fig. 91) scoop out the centers until the firm mushroom meat is reached, then wash the whole, and chop up the stalks. Have some hot butter and in it fry a little shallot, parsleyand truffles, all well chopped; season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, and dilute with half a pint of well reduced allemande sauce (No. 407); fill the insides of the mushroom heads with this dressing. Prepare paper cases the same size as the mushroom heads, coat them with oil, and stiffen in the oven; into each case place a little Madeira wine, and one mushroom with the stuffed side uppermost; bestrew with bread-crumbs, pour over a little butter, and bake in the oven; when done to a fine color baste with Colbert sauce (No. 451), and serve.

Mushrooms Stuffed In Cases With Madeira Mousserons 572

Fig. 550.