Turnips à La Poulette

Peel about one pound of young turnips, wash them well, trim into olive or pear shapes; put them on fire in cold salted water, and bring them sharply to the boil; then drain, rinse in cold water, and dry them in a clean napkin. Have ready some veloute sauce (i.e., melted butter, made with one ounce of butter, one and a half ounces of flour, and about three-quarters of a pint of vegetable stock instead of water), drop the turnips into this, and cook them till ready, very gently for about twenty to twenty-five minutes, according to size. When ready lift them out, and keep hot. Add a spoonful of castor sugar to the liquor, boil up sharply, and just before serving stir in the yolk of an egg and a little piece of butter cut up small; do not let the sauce re-boil after adding these; season to taste with pepper and salt, pour the sauce on to the turnips, and serve very hot.

Glazed Turnips

Peel about one pound of young turnips, wash them well, cut into quarters, and put them on in salted water; bring this sharply to the boil, then place them in a well-buttered small frying or saucepan, sprinkle them liberally with castor sugar, and directly the turnips begin to color pour a little stock in, and season with pepper and salt, and a little more sugar if liked; let them stew slowly till quite tender, and serve them with the sauce poured over them.