Cheese Custard.

Butter 3 thin slices of white bread, let them soak for 1/2 hour in a custard made with 1 pint of milk, 3 eggs, and a dash of cayenne pepper; lay slices in a buttered pudding pan. Put layers of thin slices of cheese between each, pour on the custard and sprinkle grated cheese on the lop. Set dish in a pan of hot water and hake in a moderate oven. The water must not boil or custard will be full of holes and whey. Serve hot.

Mrs. Jeter.

Cheese Custard for Ore Person.

Two tablespoons bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon cheese, 1 egg, sprinkle of salt. Soak crumbs in milk 10 minutes, melt butter in double boiler, add cheese chopped fine, and stir until cheese melts, add milk and crumbs, then egg, and serve on cracker.

Paulyne McKlnney.

Italian Macaroni.

Cook a cupful of macaroni in salted water until tender. Drain off the water and put the macaroni into a colander. Have ready in a saucepan a large table-spoonful of butter, heated. Put into this a sliced onion and cook tender. Turn into the saucepan a can of tomatoes and one chili pepper (or in quantity according to its "hotness"). Salt and cook fifteen minutes.

Arrange the macaroni alternately in layers with the tomatoes in a bakedish, finishing, of course, with the tomatoes. Cover with grated cheese and bake fifteen or twenty minutes. If not moist enough, do not add all the macaroni, as it must be juicy.

Mrs. F. C. Webber.

Macaroni And Cheese.

One-quarter pound macaroni broken into 1 inch Ienghs and cooked in 3 pints boiling salted water 20 minutes. Turn into a colander and pour over it cold water, drain. Make a sauce of 1 tablespoonful of butter rubber into l1/2 cup hot milk, salt. Put a layer of grated cheese in bottom of baking dish, then a layer of macaroni and 1 of sauce, then cheese, macaroni and sauce, and cover the top with fine bread crumbs and bits of butter and a little grated cheese. Bake until brown.

Macaroni Croquettes.

Break 6 ounces of macaroni in pieces, boil until tender, drain in a colander. Rub 1 teaspoon of butter and 2 ounces of flour together until smooth, then stir into 1 cup of warm cream until it thickens (stir to prevent burning), add 2 teaspoons of grated cheese, then macaroni, salt and pepper to taste and yolks of 2 eggs. Cook for a minute, then turn out to cool. Form into croquettes, roll in egg, then cracker crumbs, and fry in hot lard.

Mrs. C. W. Cord.

Macaroni and Eggs.

Break 2 cupfuls of macaroni, boil until tender in salted water and drain. Have 1 tablespoon each of butter and lard piping hot in frying pan, turn in cooked macaroni and fry a few moments, then beat lightly 4 eggs and turn over macaroni and cook only a moment longer. Take up while eggs are still soft.

Mrs. C. E. Hammond.