Baked Cod's Head

Trim and wash well the head of a cod, fill the gills with veal stuffing, put the head in a baking dish, season with pepper and salt, also add a little parsley; moisten with a pint of sherry and a little catsup, put a buttered paper over and set in the oven to bake. The fish must be well basted while baking, and a pint of stock may be added to keep it moist. When the head is nearly done sprinkle it over with fine raspings of bread, and when it is quite done put it upon a dish. Add two gills of brown sauce to the liquor in the baking pan, strain in a stewpan, and put in a little essence of anchovy, two ounces of butter and a little lemon juice; boil the sauce for a few minutes, pour on the cod and serve.

Salted Cod, Biscayan Style

Bone two pounds of cod and soak in cold water for a day, place in a saucepan with fresh water and simmer till boiling, then add fresh water and let boil again; take out and scale. Fry two chopped onions and one green pepper in a gill of oil for five minutes, add a sliced tomato, one clove of bruised garlic and one chili pepper. Moisten these with three pints of broth, add a small bunch of parsley, three tablespoonfuls of tomato sauce and one pint of peeled potatoes, and cook for forty minutes; then add the cod and boil again for five minutes.

Boiled Salted Cod

Steep two pounds of salted cod and put in tepid water for six hours; then take it out and place it for the same length of time in cold water, changing about every half hour. Put the fish in a gallon saucepan filled with water, and when it boils put on the side and let simmer for five minutes.

Boiled Salted Cod With Egg Sauce

Chop fine one pound of freshly-salted cod that has been soaked, boiled, and allowed to get cold. Mix one teaspoonful of corn meal with one cupful of milk, and stir on the fire till it thickens, then add half a pound of mashed potatoes rubbed through a sieve, two ounces of butter, one dessertspoonful of chopped parsley, two beaten eggs and pepper to taste.

(2.) Boil two eggs for ten minutes, cut them into large dice, and put in one pint of melted butter sauce. When the fish is done pour this over it and serve.

Salted Cod With Brown Butter

Soak the fish in cold water for two days, then scrape off the scales, clean and wash thoroughly, and place over a slow fire until boiling. Move the kettle to the side of the fire, skim off the scum that may have risen to the top, and boil gently for ten minutes. Put a little butter in a fryingpan and place over the fire, when it is hot put in a few sprigs of parsley and fry until brown. Pour the butter and parsley over the fish and serve hot.

Boiled Cod's Tongues With Egg Sauce

Place the tongues in warm water and leave for a day and a half, changing the water once. Put a pan of water on the fire, and when it boils put in the tongues and boil them for ten minutes. Place a piece of toast on a dish, brush the tongues over with egg sauce, put them on the toast and serve.

Fried Cod's Tongues

Wash eighteen to twenty tongues, dip in cold milk, and roll one by one in flour. Put one teacupful of clarified butter in a fryingpan, lay in the tongues, keeping them separate and cook for three minutes; then turn on the other side and cook for three minutes longer. Serve with one gill of tomato sauce in a sauceboat.

Cod Tongues, Poulette Style

Put eighteen tongues, blanched, in a saucepan, add a pint of Dutch sauce, half a gill of the stock in which they were blanched, and one teaspoonful of chopped parsley, and beat for five minutes without boiling. Put in a deep dish, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Cod's Tongues With Black Butter Sauce

Blanch eighteen cod's tongues, and put in a saucepan with half a gill of the liquor that they were blanched in, heat, but do not boil. Drain, dress on a hot dish and pour over one pint of black butter sauce.