Lastly, it is well known that the inhabitants of the Arctic zone are compelled to consume large quantities of oily matter, in order to generate heat abundantly; and also that animal food is necessarily the staple of their dietary. Vegetables, which moreover are not producible in so severe a climate, would there be wholly inadequate to support life. As a matter of fact, the considerable populations here which may be classed as Esquimaux, Greenlanders, and others, owe their existence and extremely active life to their ability to thrive on animal food alone; while inhabitants of Iceland, northern Siberia, and some tribes of North American Indians, live almost solely on the flesh of animals.

Before closing this chapter, the present appears to be a fitting place in which to give a brief resume of particulars relating to the practical application, suitable to our own portion of the temperate zone, of those principles which scientific research has established concerning nutrition.

As affording a typical example of the relative quantities of the four classes named as essential for human food, I offer the following table, from Dr. Pavy's work named below:- *

Norway and Sweden.Russia. The Arctic Circle.