One-Egg Cake - To be Used Fresh

One cup of sugar, one level tablespoonful of butter, one-half cup of sweet milk, one cup of flour, one egg, two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Rub the butter with a small portion of the sugar; then mix with the remaining sugar; add the milk and flour alternately, beating well, until half of each is used; then add the egg without beating, and stir until it is thoroughly incorporated; then add remainder of milk and flour.

Six-Egg Cake

One-half cup of butter, one and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of milk, three-fourths cup of egg whites (about six medium-sized eggs make this amount), two and one-half cups of flour, two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of almond and lemon extract mixed equally. Stir the butter until soft and pliable before adding any sugar. Put butter into a teacup, and stir with a fork. When the butter is soft, add a little sugar, and stir well; then add a little more, and so continue until the mixture is light and white and one cup of sugar has been used. Mix remainder of sugar with flour. Add a little milk, and stir it well into butter; then add a little flour, and stir that well into it, and so continue until all the milk has been used and all the flour except two tablespoonfuls saved out for the baking powder. Mix baking powder well with the little flour, and set aside. Beat the egg whites until light. Stir the extract into the dough, then beat the baking powder into it, and lastly fold the beaten whites carefully into the mixture. Put into a brick-shaped bread tin, and bake forty-five minutes. The above cake may be made by using three whole eggs instead of six whites, and putting together as directed for "Cheap Fruit Cake."

Cheap Fruit Cake

One-half cup of butter, two cups of sugar, four whole eggs, one cup of milk, three and one-half cups of flour, one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful ground mace or grated nutmeg, one cup of chopped figs, one-half cup of raisins seeded and chopped, one table-spoonful of molasses (mix with milk). Cream the butter with one cup of the sugar by first stirring the butter in a teacup until soft and pliable; then add a little sugar, and when mixed add a little more, and so continue until the mixture is white and light. Mix remainder of sugar and the spices with the flour. Take out two tablespoon-fuls of plain flour, and mix baking powder with it. Roll the fruit in the flour, and put aside. Break an egg into the mixture, and stir until thoroughly incorporated; then add a little flour, and stir until well mixed. Continue this until flour, milk, and eggs are all used; then stir the fruit into the dough; and lastly, add the bit of flour with baking powder, and stir until thoroughly mixed. Bake in a loaf forty-five minutes.

Cheap Sponge Cake

Two eggs beaten light. Into this beat one cup of sugar, beating until the mixture is again light. Stir in one cup of flour, with which has been sifted two level tea-spoonfuls of baking powder and one-fourth of a tea-spoonful of salt. Add one-half teaspoonful of lemon extract and one-half a cupful of boiling water. Stir as little as possible, and have the batter smooth. Turn immediately into a previously greased cake pan, and put at once into a moderately hot oven. Bake forty to forty-five minutes. If baked too rapidly, the cake will be tough, and not rise properly.