Vegetable Oysters

Select rather large, firm salsify, or vegetable oyster, and scrape, throwing at once into cold water to which has been added a tablespoon of flour and a few drops of vinegar. This forms a slight coating over the vegetables, and prevents discoloration. Slice, and cook in boiling, salted water until tender, which will require about one hour. Drain, and add two tablespoons of butter, one-half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon lemon juice and one teaspoon of minced parsley or chervil, to each quart of the sliced salsify.

Fried Oyster Plant

Prepare, and boil the oyster plant until tender, about thirty minutes. Then mash, season, and stir in a tablespoon of flour. Form into small cakes, and saute in butter, browning both sides.

Scalloped Vegetable Oysters

1 quart sliced, cooked vegetable oysters or salsify

2 cups white sauce 2 cups bread crumbs

To prepare the vegetable oysters, scrape, and throw into water into which a little flour and vinegar has been stirred to prevent discoloration; cook in boiling, salted water until tender, which will require an hour or more. Drain, and make a white sauce. Arrange the vegetable oysters and bread crumbs in layers, reserving a portion of the bread crumbs for the top. Pour the sauce over the vegetable oysters and crumbs, and finish with a layer of crumbs. Bake in a moderate oven fifteen to twenty minutes. This may also be baked in individual shells.