Mr. John Feast gives in the Maryland Farmer some interesting notes on gardening in Baltimore. Mrs. Charles Ridgely's is near Towsontown, has a number of plant houses, fine grounds, and some good specimens of rare trees. One house is devoted to roses and violets. There is a cedar of Lebanon and a purple beech half a century old.

Mr. Massey is the gardener in charge. Mrs. Lurman resides at Catonsville. Mr. Fauth is the gardener. On the grounds there is a Torreya taxifolia ten feet high, and other rare and good things. Rhododendrons and hollies tastefully arranged, are elegant features in the landscape gardening. There are grape and plant houses on the grounds. Mrs. George Brown has a nice surburban garden on the north of the town. The plant houses are kept in good condition, much store being set on camellias. There are three houses devoted to grapes. Mr. Charles Campbell, who has the reputation of being a first-class gardener, is in charge now. Mrs. John S. Gittings has an estate of many hundred acres. On the ornamental grounds are two greenhouses for general collections, and one large grapery. Forcing early vegetables is a special feature of the gardening here. The place is in charge of Mr. Wm. Baggs. Near this is the place of Mr. Philips, with grape and plant houses - but these are no longer kept up as matters of taste and persona] enjoyment, but are rented out for commercial purposes. Mr. Samuel M. Shoemaker, Green Spring Valley, has a splendid mansion, and everything to correspond. The grape and plant houses are in excellent taste, and kept in first-class condition.

The collections are continually enriched by novelties. R. W. L. Raisin has a grapery and several plant houses, Mr. Smith the gardener in charge is very successful in making the place pleasing to his employer, which is half the pleasure of owning a garden. W. H. Perot has one of the finest lawns in the country. The grounds are full of rare trees and fine specimens. There are separate houses for grapes, orchids, and many other things. It is one of the most beautiful and best kept gardens in the United States. Frederick Reinecker is the gardener, and his skill is highly commended.