There have few more rapid advances in floral progress than in the improvement of tuberous rooted Begonias, since the B. Bolivensis was introduced but a few years ago. Among those who have been among the foremost in the work of improvement are Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, Chelsea, England. When the writer was in England a few summers ago, some beautiful hybrids were just blooming, among which was the variety of which we now give an illustration. Messrs. Veitch thus describes it:

"Mrs. Charles Scorer is a splendid variety of our own raising, with large well formed flowers of a brilliant glowing crimson scarlet, unequalled in this shade of color by any begonia of its class in cultivation.

"The plant is of robust habit, free flowering, and furnished with a neat dark green foliage which, together with its brilliant flowers, render it one of the best Begonias for exhibition purposes yet offered." These tuberous rooted Begonias have not yet had a full trial as open air plants in our country. They need a good summer heat to do well, but not extremely high. Those the writer saw in England, at Messrs. Veitch's were flowering there in the open ground in front of a greenhouse. In our country the air will perhaps, be too dry; but if they were grown in partial shade we think they would succeed admirably.