Here in Maine, where our winters begin in autumn and project far into spring, - even into May this year, judging from the snow which is falling as I write, - it is desirable to have plants and shrubs that will endure their severity. Never were my Perennials so highly prized as in this very cold and unusually backward spring. The Pansies and Daisies are in bloom; the Tulips are budded ; the perennial Phloxes set out last year are springing up with large clumps which have been growing a score of years in my garden. Sweet rockets, purple, and white, are sure to live and are among the early spring bloomers ; self-sown, they spring up profusely. The Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora for five years has endured the frosts, and yields profusely its immense trusses of bloom for two months. It is a shrub that ought to be in every garden. But it was of two new shrubs that I took my pen to write, and I am sure that as they have come safely through the long and very severe winter following their removal from Washington, they will endure any amount of freezing.

Dimorphanthus Mandchuriesis is grown for the grandeur of its foliage. Its multifid leaves are about a yard in length, and nearly as broad. Its native home is Mandchuria.